Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 311 She's Still a Child!

Chapter 311 She's Still a Child!

Ji Feiyun took good care of her.He went to the kitchen and picked out an oversized sea bowl.A bowl is worth three bowls.She poured herbal tea, and there was sand in the water, so bitter that she doubted her life.

Shu Qing's face turned blue, "Such a big bowl?" How dare this dead fool punish her on purpose.

"You like to drink, and you used to work here. We have a lot of love." Ji Feiyun pushed the black herbal tea in front of her. "Don't worry, I only charge you for a bowl."

Looking at it, Shu Qing's heart was pounding, "Do you have candy or orange peel?"

"Sorry, they're all sold out." Ji Feiyun blinked. "You also saw those drawers. If you had them, you would have given them to brother Yan Chao."

"It's almost time for dinner. I can't drink that much."

Ji Feiyun insisted: "Sister Shu Qing, I suggest you drink more."

If it wasn't for Liang Yanchao, Shu Qing really wanted to turn around and leave, but now he wants to make a good impression, so he looks very simple, "Why?"

"Your mouth smells really bad when you're angry, drink more herbal tea to get rid of the smell."

Shu Qing's face was embarrassed on the spot.I didn't expect her to be so embarrassed.Not only does it hurt people's self-esteem, but in front of rich people, "Is there...Is there? I will pay attention to it in the future."

"I can smell it." Ji Feiyun looked innocent, "Sister Shu Qing, you can drink herbal tea. Drink it and you will be fine."

"Yes." Liang Yanchao put down the finished herbal tea bowl.

The sound is beautiful.Do you agree with Ji Feiyun's statement, or do you believe in Shu Qing?

However, Shu Qing's is a beautiful woman, so she had to grit her teeth and drink it "gurgling".

The fever was terrible, and she didn't have any friends.The smell choked from his throat.Shu Qing really couldn't help it, "Ugh..."

"Sister Shu Qing, why did you vomit?" Ji Feiyun was startled, and said, "Are you pregnant? The pregnant people in our village are all like you. They vomit."

"Ji Feiyun, what are you talking about?" Shu Qing didn't flinch, showing her true colors.

Ji Feiyun was terrified by her sudden roar, and subconsciously hid behind Liang Yanchao: "Sister Shu Qing, why are you so cruel? Did I say something wrong? If I said something wrong, I can apologize to you."

When Liang Yanchao saw Ji Feiyun's bitch for the first time, he couldn't help laughing.

Shu Qing gritted her silver teeth hard, which surprised Ji Feiyun.He looked very aggrieved. "Feiyun, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. I don't have a partner yet. Where is the baby? You can't ruin my reputation."

Ji Feiyun was puzzled, "But many uncles come to your store every day. I thought you were pregnant. One in our village got pregnant without getting married."

"You said it was your uncle. How could I hook up with your father's generation?"

Ji Feiyun added: "And my brother. Last time I saw you climb on my brother's shoulder, my brother put his hand on your waist."

Shu Qing felt it was unbearable, she suddenly raised her voice and said, "Ji Feiyun, stop talking nonsense!"

Ji Feiyun was timid and afraid of getting into trouble, so he pinched the corner of Liang Yanchao's clothes nervously, "Brother Yanchao, I'm scared."

"She's still a child." Liang Yanchao's protection was obvious. "And, you're beautiful. Suitors have to line up from street to street. Children don't understand that. They don't have taboos."

"I...I didn't." It wasn't easy talking to him.Unexpectedly, a few words ruined Ji Feiyun.

Liang Yanchao obviously misunderstood and believed it.

"No, no." Liang Yanchao comforted the frightened Ji Feiyun, "I have candy in the car. I'll get it myself."

Seeing Ji Feiyun trembling all over, Liang Yanchao had no choice but to stand up and take it for her.

Liang Yanchao is blind.He has the same virtues as Nan Yongpeng and Ji Feiming.He is too ignorant to know how to make money.

As the painting darkened, she left in high heels.

His mouth was bitter as hell.He vomited a few times and it still smelled good.

(End of this chapter)

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