Chapter 312 Anytime!

Ji Feiyun ate biscuits in the car. "Brother Yan Chao, when are you free, I will treat you to dinner."

"I'm here all the time. You can invite me anytime."

"My brother. I haven't thanked him for opening the meat joint factory yet."

"Okay, then I'll take him up." Liang Yanchao thought, "Can you give me the two sets of samples your sister made?"

No matter how friendly you are, you have to be in business.Ji Feiyun had other ideas. "My department store will open in a month or two, and I will set aside a place to sell clothes. My sister's samples will not be divided, and she wants to buy from your factory and sell them, is that okay?"

"Little girl, you have a really good plan." Since the market has just opened up, the clothing of state-owned enterprises cannot keep up with the trend, and private enterprises are even more rare.However, demand for clothing has completely exploded over the decades.As long as the styles keep up with the trend, the goods in the factory will be in short supply, and many customers line up outside the factory all night to pick up the goods.

But for Liang Yanchao, whoever is sold is not sold.Besides, making teenage films might become an "OK" for her sister-in-law.

Ji Feiyun smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Yanchao.

A master cannot teach his apprentice for a day.

Seeing that the weather was still the same, Mrs. Gao got up and prepared to leave. "You should practice more first, and I'll come back the next day."

Ji Feixue asked: "Master, why don't you stay for dinner?"

"No, Liang Yanchao is still waiting. I have to go back and cook for the old man."

Ji Feiyun accompanied Gao's mother downstairs and bid farewell to Liang Yanchao.

Liang Yanchao poked his head out of the car. "How are you?"

"It's fun, as long as the master doesn't think I'm a fool."

Mrs. Gao happily got into the car. "I wish I could have met you sooner, otherwise my craft wouldn't have been abandoned for so many years."

The mother and son drove away, and Liang Yanchao was in a good mood. "And what about your son's eyes?"

"You have a good vision." Mrs. Gao thought dejectedly, "When will my father and I come back?"

"I'm too impatient to eat hot tofu. I really want to be forced by you to go on a blind date. I'll bring one back and fight with you every day. Don't you bother?"

The old lady Gao was depressed, but who wanted her son.

In the evening, when the family had dinner, they learned that Liang Yanchao had sent a sewing machine.Gao's mother came to teach her and accepted Ji Feixue as her apprentice.She was surprised: "I didn't expect that the Gao family is so good, and Ji Feixue can learn more skills. We owe you a big favor. We can treat him to dinner when we are free."

It is human nature to have a future.Liang Yanchao became a great scholar at a young age.Of course, he has to maintain a relationship.Also, he will be a neighbor in the future.

Ji Feiyun said: "Mom, I have already invited you."

"What a good boy."

When the couple met Ji Shuxing for the first time, they didn't know how happy they were.They boasted that Liang Yanchao was young, capable, and modest.They didn't know who would be so lucky to marry the Gao family as their Ji Feiming's daughter-in-law.They didn't know that the big bad wolf was after Ji Feixue.

Hearing the flattery from his parents, Ji Feiyun sneaked a glance at Nan Yongpeng.Flowers bloomed on his face.

Nan Yongpeng thought, Liang Yanchao was looking at Ji Feixue.Why is she happy?Doesn't she know she's going to win the bid?

I don't feel very well.I picked up the chopsticks and gave her a piece of meat. "Have a meal."

Ji Feiyun picked up the rice with short hands, but couldn't reach it. "Yong Peng, I want that."

What's the fun?Well, she defended Ji Feixue's love today.Otherwise, she will be polluted by Shu Qing.Will she die?
After dinner, I pulled my head and squeezed in through the crack of the door.I saw Ji Feixue taking scissors and dismantling the hoarded old clothes, and there were a few modified clothes beside her.

Liang Yanchao knew that Ji Feixue was no better than Liang Yanchao.In a short period of time, she discovered Ji Feixue's potential, and she seemed to be really interested in this industry.At least her face was full of relief and joy, which she had never seen when she was selling sugar water or walking out of the stall.

(End of this chapter)

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