Chapter 32

Old Wang is also very familiar with Nan Yongpeng.He was the one checking him out when he floated out of the river.Later, he rescued Ji Feiyun from the kidnappers.The institute also decided to reward him for his "brave deeds".Unexpectedly, he had a fight before the award was issued.

Students are most afraid of fighting.Officer Wang gave everyone a legal education class.Others often doze off.Only Ji Feiyun was the most excited.It turns out that the law of the jungle is not popular in the human world, so we need to understand this law in the future.

Several gangsters were taken away by their parents, especially Jiao Weimin's family.The police station made a serious statement: Parents should strictly discipline their children, discourage their children from bad habits, and become people who contribute to society.

When he came out of the police station, Ji Feiyun stopped crying.

When Ji Feixue pushed, his hand was scratched, but it was not serious.However, rest assured, the money is still going well.If it wasn't for her younger sister making money, she would be stuck in the mud all her life and couldn't get out.

Parting on the side of the road, Ji Feixue went back to school, and Nan Yongpeng took Feiyun back to the village.

Ji Feiyun stopped, looked at the dark blue color at the corner of Nan Yongpeng's mouth, and said guiltily, "Does it hurt?"

Nan Yongpeng touched the corner of his mouth, "It doesn't hurt."

Ji Feiyun flattered them: "My brother is so powerful, he beat them all black and blue."

Nan Yongpeng's mood was very complicated, and he said to Ji Feiyun: "If there is any danger in the future, don't rush out. Be careful not to hurt yourself."

"Oh." Ji Feiyun felt uncomfortable when he thought of Nan Yongpeng being implicated in her.She just doesn't want to see her sister being bullied.Unfortunately, she is too young to protect her family.

As soon as he returned to the village, a villager sent a message asking him to go to the village head's house with Ji Feiyun.

As soon as I walked into the courtyard of the village chief's house, I saw Luo Xueying, Li Yanmei, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law sitting at one end, and Gao Lanxiang sitting at the other.Two big eyes stared at each other, trying to tear each other to pieces.

Three women quarreled all afternoon in a play.Now their voices were hoarse, and neither of them had the energy to argue anymore.There were many bystanders waiting to see the village chief mediate the dispute.

When the village chief saw Nan Yongpeng coming in, he asked, "Yongpeng, I heard that you were on the mountain that day. What is the situation?"

Nan Yongpeng just went out that day.He saw Ji Feiyun jumping up the mountain from a distance.Worried that she was in danger, he followed her.When he arrived, he saw Ji Dahong's siblings bullying her.If she hadn't been quick, she would have fallen off the hill.

Luo Xueying shielded her weakness and immediately accused her: "Who doesn't know about your relationship with the boss? Obviously, you are lying and favoring this little bastard..."

Nan Yongpeng frowned and said in a low voice: "Grandma, your age is here. Our younger generation respects you as a grandma because you are an elder, but you bite one wild species. How can you be like an elder? Feitian How did the injury come about? He himself admitted that if you disturb the three-pointer unreasonably, aren't you afraid of bringing a bad child?"

Luo Xueying was a widow in her early years, and became famous for her bad manners.Even the village chief is afraid of her.Now she is being blamed on the spot by her grandchildren.Her old face was unbearable.

But Nan Yongpeng's words were recognized by the villagers.Luo Xueying was really disrespectful, and sprayed shit all over her mouth.

Under the ridicule of the villagers, Luo Xueying could not get off the stage.

She didn't want to talk about the children's fight today, but wanted Gao Lanxiang to give away half of the money for selling ginseng.She is used to swearing, and she blurts it out easily.Unexpectedly, she was caught by the hairy kid.

(End of this chapter)

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