Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 326 Ji Feiyun reacts fast!

Chapter 326 Ji Feiyun reacts fast!

Nan Yongpeng was stunned, but Ji Feiyun reacted quickly.It turned out that the man surnamed Guan was playing with the thieves, shouting to catch them.

Of course, she doesn't have such a big face.It is estimated that Director Liang invited her.

"Grandpa is right." Mr. Guan didn't do that.If he wants to be fair, he has to figure out what is right and what is wrong.Ji Feiyun invited him to drink tea, "You are a regular customer here. What do you think of the dishes I cook on this street?"

"Needless to say, nature is the best." Mr. Guan will not lie.He is always picky about food.The only thing that can make him change his mind is Nan Yongpeng's private kitchen.

"It's no use bragging about our food. We'll see if repeat customers can sell it well." Ji Feiyun is not one to be modest. "Because Nan Yongpeng is Ji Shuxing of this street, customers come to this street when they smell the fragrance, so there is no such thing as stealing customers." In addition, the guests are not fools.How can we not know whether the store is good or not?We didn't cut prices, and we didn't have a free food festival.How can we move someone else's corner? "

Guan Yongshun has lived for decades, few people dare to criticize him.Ji Feiyun is one of them.

He always persuaded people with reason, but the little girl movie didn't give him face.He didn't say who was right and who was wrong today, but both sides took a step back, but the girl choked up as soon as she spoke.

Coughing, choking him speechless.

It's a young man's world now.They are different from their generation.They can tell right from wrong.

Guan Yongshun was a little embarrassed. "Well, if you have something, change it. If you don't like it, encourage it."

He admired the young couple very much, and what the little girl said made sense.That's because he relies on the old man to sell the old man.

Mr. Guan got up and left.Ji Feiyun brought out half a bowl of chicken feet. "Grandpa, Xiaoshu likes this. Last time he came to me, he didn't have any. I promised to keep one for him, but I haven't been to school these days."

Xiaoshu is Guan Yongshun's youngest grandson.He and Ji Feiyun sat at the front table and the back table.They are chubby.

It's a man's nature to like to play with pretty girls.No matter how old he is, he cannot escape the law.He likes Ji Feiyun very much.After school, he often came to play with her, made her a slingshot, and found her eggs from the trees.

He knows it.Xiaoshu has done it several times at home, but a chicken has two claws.Where did he get so many claws?

He killed three chickens in a row, and the six chicken feet belonged to Yaosun.However, he was annoyed and said it didn't taste right.

Guan Yongshun wanted to pay, but Ji Feiyun refused. "Bao made me a beautiful slingshot. It's a favor from him."

Holding it in his hand, Ji Feiyun ran back to Xiaobailou coquettishly.


The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming to the end of the National Day.On the weekend, a small holiday is ushered in.

Ji Feiyun had no experience for the first time.Although he had prepared the ingredients in advance, it was still far from enough.Some work units eat, some companies give out Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day benefits, some have favors, some buy letters to go back to their natal families, and so on.There aren't enough salt baked chickens to sell.

Director Liang came and said that the company would give employees benefits.In addition to mooncakes and fruits, there is also a salt-baked chicken.

This year's performance is good, and the welfare budget is sufficient.You don't buy gifts.In addition, the salt-baked chicken still has a face.

Credit unions don't have many employees, but some still get crowded.Ji Feiyun readily agreed.

Director Liang is in a good mood.He also booked a benefit dinner for employees and came two days before the holiday.

Not long after he left, the eldest sister came in with a purse and a smile. "Xiao Feiyun, you haven't come out to meet the God of Wealth yet."

"God of Wealth." Ji Feiyun ran over and hugged his thigh.

The eldest brother became a full-time employee.He is already the top leader of the logistics department.The wages of public institutions are not high, but the benefits cannot be compared with other units.

Every Mid-Autumn Festival, in addition to mooncakes, paper towels and canned towels, there is also a salt-baked chicken in the office.The workshop staff is a bit poor.No chicken, but someone wants ten salted eggs.

She had to support the engineering team that undertook the construction of the branch.The budget is 100 yuan.She looked here, but she couldn't be careless.

In addition, the cement factory has to give gifts to customers.The standard is that a chicken lays ten eggs.Prepare 50 eggs and pack them in mesh bags.

There are dozens of employees in the cement factory office, and nearly 200 employees.Holding the big gift bag, Ji Feiyun felt distressed.

With so many lists, where did she get so many chickens and eggs?
A headache is a headache.No one is crowding out this lucrative industry.Ji Feiyun roared, "Brother-in-law, won't you come to my house for the Mid-Autumn Festival? I'll give you a discount."

This girl's movie is nonsense, but her brother-in-law can't help it. "You must be from our department. It's hard to say in other departments."

(End of this chapter)

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