Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 327 You must have a solution!

Chapter 327 You must have a solution!

Ji Feiyun complimented him and said, "You must have a way."

She's like a thousand-year-old demon.Although she didn't bribe herself, she didn't give less money to her family.When she was having dinner, she bought something to give away.The eldest sister poked her head out. "I can't promise you, but it's okay to be windy."

Ji Feiyun frowned and smiled. "Thank you, Miss."

Before leaving, Ji Feiyun immediately asked Nan Yongpeng to call Liang Yanchao.No matter what method he uses, he must support himself with powerful firepower.

Nan Yongpeng went to the post office.Only a part of Guo Wenshan is sure, he must find a way to deal with other people.

I didn't expect to be so tired after the Double Festival, but considering the profit, Ji Feiyun was full of energy.

But after all, it's a blank check.There is still some pressure.At night, I dreamed that I killed six generals in five crossings.It is not easy to have both the chicken and the egg.Unexpectedly, it was stolen as soon as it was finished.

damn it!
The leaders of the cement factory blocked the door.It was useless for Ji Feiyun to kneel down and beg for forgiveness.He said that she would pay ten times the liquidated damages, and all future cooperation would be cancelled!

At this time Ji Feiyun woke up, his body was as empty as a hole.

Not only is she in a hurry, but the rest of the family is also in a hurry.She stopped all the decorations at hand, squatted down in the market, and rode a tricycle to the countryside to collect them. There was no gear on the horn.She helped run to the next town to help pick up the goods.

In short, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers.

After breakfast, Ji Feiyun and Nan Yongpeng went to the supply and marketing agency to pick up the meat from the meat joint factory.When they opened it, they were pleasantly surprised.Various ingredients have been added, including 30 chickens and a large basket of eggs.

The meat factory paid first and then picked up the goods. It seems that Guo Wenshan helped advance the payment.

The customer gift should be sent in advance, and the cement factory should not delay the delivery of 50 copies.

The feet were off the ground, and they were all wrapped in net bags, and asked the eldest sister to send someone to take them away.

In the kitchen from morning to night, everyone is tired and has no appetite to eat.

When the car horn sounded outside, Liang Yanchao walked in with two beautiful cardboard boxes.He looks tall and dynamic in his suit and shoes.He seems to have just returned from a business trip.

He took two boxes of exquisite moon cakes and said that someone sent a bunch of them to his family.He is afraid of wasting them.

When he was about to move his chopsticks, Ji Shuxing warmly asked him to sit down, and asked Ji Feixue to add another pair of chopsticks himself.

Liang Yanchao has a beautiful nose.As soon as he sat down, he smelled chicken.He smiled and asked: "It seems that the business in the store is good."

This is the first Mid-Autumn Festival since the reform and opening up.After all kinds of restrictions are lifted, people's lives are much better than before, and the festival is naturally lively.

This is not only unexpected by Ji Feiyun and others, but also by many people, so now he is tired and turned into a dog.

Liang Yanchao was really hungry.He picked up the bowl and said, "The demand will increase in the future. Why don't you open a factory?"

"Brother Yan Chao, we are planning to buy a vacuum packaging machine. We have already contacted the Provincial Machinery Factory. We can't spare time during this time. We will go there as soon as possible after the festival."

Yes, I also know about vacuum packers.

"What model did you buy?" Liang Yanchao immediately became interested. "I have a friend in there. I'll help you find out if there's a discount." I'm not kidding.He is a veteran of changing machines and knows a thing or two about the industry.

Ji Feiyun couldn't remember.He went to the second floor and got him a magazine. "It's this one, but Yiyuan asked about it. They recommended another one. They said this one was still in the research and development stage and hadn't been released to the market yet. But Yiyuan felt that what they were selling was not as good as this, so he didn't pay the reservation fee. "

Cash is more than 3000 yuan.

When Liang Yanchao asked about Nan Yongpeng's model, he shook his head and said, "It is recommended to eliminate these vampires. I used to pay more than 1000 yuan, but now I dare to ask for 3000 yuan."

When asked which salesman he was, he closed the magazine after knowing the purpose. "I'll ask you to see if I can get internal employee rates."

(End of this chapter)

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