Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 344 This was tailor-made for him.

Chapter 344 This was tailor-made for him.

Ji Feiyun was amazed, and couldn't help noticing the product layout and sales methods of the mall.This is an opportunity to learn from the top malls.Not everyone has such an opportunity.

It happened to be the weekend.There are many people at the scene.Nan Yongpeng held Ji Feiyun's hand tightly.After all, she is a brat.If she got lost, she couldn't explain it.

Walking up from the first floor, his feet became sore.Ji Feiyun bought some strange things in the snack area, then stood still in the men's clothing area on the fourth floor.

She took a fancy to an imported suit and thought it would look good on Nan Yongpeng, but the price was 200 yuan.

Nan Yongpeng was born in good condition, but people rely on clothes, and Buddhists rely on money.Ji Feiyun doesn't understand fashion design.He just thought it was good from material to cut and line.He has a noble air about him.

It was tailor-made for him.

But Nan Yongpeng refused.He walks into the kitchen in a suit and shoes to cook?
"In the future you will be Ji Shuxing of the company. You must participate in the bidding for the cafeteria of Ji Feilong School. You must dress better." 200 yuan is indeed expensive, but it can add value to Li Luyuan.And, she couldn't get it out.

In short, Nan Yongpeng is not allowed.He is not used to this kind of restraint, let alone the age mismatch.

"You can wear it for me at ordinary times."

Ji Feiyun felt that he had matured.He is more mature in a suit and looks like Ji Shuxing.

The argument between them was very interesting, Ji Feixue couldn't help laughing.

Without further ado, she walked around the suit area, and then offered a suggestion to the two who were at a stalemate: "Why don't I go back and ask the master to teach me how to make a suit for Nan Yongpeng."

"Exactly the same?" Ji Feiyun insisted.

The master's workmanship is good.Ji Feixue recalled the fabric and style again, "It should be 8 o'clock or 9 o'clock."

After coming out of the shopping mall, Ji Feiyun visited several smaller shopping malls.Ji Feiyun already had a plan in mind.He discussed with Nan Yongpeng in a low voice and adjusted the layout of his shopping mall.

Liang Yanchao has already made an appointment with a retailer and wholesaler.The food made by the wholesaler was eaten at a Cantonese restaurant.

Sales manager Hu Liwei came here from other provinces.His Mandarin is still pretty standard.He arrived here with a thick catalog.

People eat and chat.Knowing that Ji Feiyun was in the county, Hu Liwei became more confident. "Everyone, the scale of our company is among the best in Yangcheng. My customers are mainly from northern Guangdong. Many supply and marketing cooperatives are robbing my goods, and there is no shortage of personal goods."

The current situation is good.Shipments are made every two days in peak season, and about 3-4 days in off-season.

Hu Liwei is indeed a professional.He not only talked a lot, but also made it clear which cities in northern Guangdong sell the best.When he learned about the scale of Ji Feiyun Shopping Center, he even helped them match.

Looking at the quotations, Nan Yongpeng is indeed cheaper than the county supply and marketing cooperative, but he is not in a hurry to express his opinion.

you get what you pay for.You can't tell unless you see the goods.

"The goods are in the warehouses in the suburbs. They are closed now. Are you free tomorrow? I will show you. We are in the long-term business and have inspection standards."

"Is there a discount on the price?" This is what Ji Feiyun is most concerned about.

"Miss, this industry is very competitive. Quotes are firm. You can always ask your colleagues about them. There is no way to lower them. However, we have quarterly and annual tax rebates. If your goods meet the rebate standard, we There will be a relative reward and return standard."

Hu Liwei took out a stack of documents from his wallet. "This is the company's standard. You can take a look first."

Shop around.Ji Feiyun planned to take another look.He and Hu Liwei made an appointment to go to the warehouse tomorrow morning.

This is a long trip.The company has a car.Hu Liwei arranged to pick it up early in the morning.

The time is tight and the tasks are heavy.Later, there was a second house to talk to Ji Feixue about.Liang Yanchao couldn't eat anymore.Liang Yanchao specially arranged for the teahouse to stagger the hours of the two wholesalers.

(End of this chapter)

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