Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 345 Seeing is Believing!

Chapter 345 Seeing is Believing!

Liang Yanchao has his own business to do.After the second person in charge arrived and gave a brief introduction, he left with Ji Feixue.

seeing is believing.Because Ji Feixue was interested in this industry, she took her to a garment factory, which was very helpful for her to understand this industry.

Ji Feiyun also wanted to go, but time did not allow it.

Every bank has its own rules and regulations.After the first experience, the two companies had a very smooth negotiation.Rules and rebates are similar.The offers are slightly different, but each has advantages.

However, all warehouses are planned in a uniform manner.Yangcheng is quite mature in this area, and a special area has been established.

In other words, when we arrive in the suburbs tomorrow, we can see the products of three stores, as long as we arrange our time.

It has been past 10 o'clock in the evening since the teahouse opened.The street lights are bright.Although the weather was calmer than during the day, there were still many people.

The bus leaves.Nan Yongpeng stopped a taxi, and the two returned to Shamian by bus.

The driver is very kind.He learned that these two people came to Yangcheng to play.He also recommended several places.He said the food was authentic and interesting.He suggested that two people have time to go and see.

Xiguan Food Street is one of them, very close to Shamian.

"Our Yangcheng is developing rapidly. People from all over the country gather here. It is no longer a night city. Xiguan is still busy now."

He gets excited when he hears about the food, he's a professional.Also, his stomach was empty.Ji Feiyun temporarily diverted to Xiguan.

Uncle also recommended the classic food of Xiguan, and then took them to the crossroads of the food street.

As soon as he arrived at this place, Ji Feiyun felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.If you take a closer look, it's not really an arcade.His own high street was designed in this style.

However, the old Xiguan has a deeper sense of history. Along the way, Ji Feiyun saw many uncles wearing slippers, shorts and white vests.They sat together, holding fans, eating snacks and enjoying the cool.There was also cheap liquor on the table.Their life is leisurely and comfortable.

Ji Feiyun couldn't help but take another look.This is a well-known but low-key local tyrant who will be smashed by the "slipper gang" in the future.

There are many delicious foods in Xiguan.After shopping all the way, Ji Feiyun ate double skin milk, boat porridge, bowl cake, horseshoe cake and so on.In the end, he really couldn't support himself.

This cake is so easy to make yet tastes so good.Ji Feiyun saw someone selling raw materials in the old store, so he took the opportunity to figure out various ways to buy materials, and wanted to go back and make more tricks for the store.

She ate and drank, not forgetting to study.It was very late when she came out.

Nan Yongpeng asked: "Are you tired?"

Of course I'm tired.My legs are numb.

Taxis are available on the street, but difficult to get one late at night.

"Yongpeng, let's go back." Anyway, it's not far away. "

Thinking of going back tomorrow, Ji Feiyun was reluctant, and wanted to see more of this brightly lit city.

Nan Yongpeng squatted down, carried her on his back, and walked back along the road.

Ji Feiyun lay on his back, looked at the beautiful scenery on both sides, and said enviously: "Yongpeng, I don't want to go back."

Nan Yongpeng couldn't laugh or cry. "Your parents don't want it?"


"You're still young. It's not too late to come back when you grow up."

how much time is required?By then, the golden age of making money had already been missed.Ji Feiyun wanted to fight for himself, but he still didn't say anything after thinking about it.

Nan Yongpeng knows that she likes it here, but she has to take it step by step.she wants to come.Sooner or later he would earn it for her.It just takes time.

(End of this chapter)

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