Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 346 Do you like it here?

Chapter 346 Do you like it here?

Ji Feiyun wrapped his arms around his neck and pressed them against his ears. "Yongpeng, do you like it here?"

this problem……

Nan Yongpeng couldn't wait to figure it out.He wonders who he is because he is constantly haunted by uncanny dreams.

Later, he met Ji Feiyun.Those dreams were long gone, but something flashed through his mind today.It's not a pretty thing, though it's not clear.He suddenly didn't want to look for it anymore.He's afraid the truth will destroy everything he has now.

now is fine.Even if there is no past, Ji Feiyun has already planned the future for him, and he does not rule it out.When every goal is achieved, the joy cannot be expressed in a few words.

Nan Yongpeng did not answer.Late at night, he was walking on the road with her on his back.

After crossing the bridge and stepping on the sand, a black figure suddenly appeared behind the pier just turned.A very sharp object touched Nan Yongpeng's chest.A man wearing a hat and mask threatened in a hoarse voice: "Shut up or I'll stab you to death!"

Ji Feiyun never thought that he would be robbed on the street late at night.

It seems that the provincial capital is still very dangerous.It's scary.

Seeing that they dared not move, the man said viciously, "Take out all the money, or..."

He held the dagger in his hand.

Ji Feiyun was so frightened that he strangled Nan Yongpeng's neck. "Brother, we have no money. We spent all our money. Can you spare us?"

This is not a lie.They all said their money was not disclosed.Calculated today.Nan Yongpeng never let her bring money because she was afraid of losing it.After buying the machine, there is not much left.What was left either went into her mouth or turned into something in her hand.She had only a few dollars left in her pocket at most.

Swinging a knife for a few dollars, as for?
There are so many robbers.He has no vision.In short, he died without money.

He wanted to give them some color to see.He raised his hand to stab Nam Yongpeng.He wouldn't have taken it out if he hadn't seen blood.

Nan Yongpeng dodged sideways and kicked it.

The footsteps were not light, only a scream and the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Ji Feiyun shook his head lightly.This is bad luck.Anyone who robs faces a tough situation.

As soon as Ji Feiyun was put on the ground, he saw the gangster wielding a knife coming again, waiting for him to get up.Nan Yongpeng avoided him easily and grabbed his arm with his backhand.

There was a click followed by a scream.

The Xiguan police station was very close, so they were asked to go there.

This follows several late night robberies in the area that had very serious repercussions.The police station dispatched police forces to arrest criminals, but criminals are very cunning and often change the time and place of committing crimes.

The prisoner's arm was dislocated and he screamed in pain.He repeatedly asked the police station to take him to the hospital.His mouth was arrogant, "Who! I am so unlucky to die. Let them pay for the medical bills!"

The policeman patted the table and said, "What do you think of us?"

One of the officers closed the door, grabbed the prisoner's dislocated arm, shook it and said, "What a pity!"


The prisoner had a runny nose in pain.No sophistry.The first trial was all abandoned.The process wasn't all that smooth.He was the knife-wielding robber who was nowhere to be found.

The case was thus settled.Even the police find it incredible.You know how much pressure the Institute has been putting on him lately to arrest him.They send people to patrol every day.

The police checked the prisoner.In addition to stepping on his stomach, there is another action that will break his arm.No other parts were damaged.He is such an expert.

When making a statement, he couldn't help but ask Nan Yongpeng: "Are you a soldier?" It's too fragile for ordinary people to do it.


"You look alike." Some police stations have been demobilized, but their skills are nowhere near his.

Ji Feiyun was very worried about this.When he stood with Zhuo Yuanyuan, she began to doubt.But doubt is doubt.There are strict age rules for joining the military.Nan Yongpeng is not old at all.

It is impossible to be a soldier.Even he didn't know what he used to do.In any case, his technique is not simple.

(End of this chapter)

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