Chapter 347 Are You Hurt?
Of course, Ji Feiyun would not be so stupid as to tell the truth.

In remote rural areas, Nan Yongpeng only has the household registration guarantees of Ji Shuxing and the team leader, but this does not mean that he can be investigated.

When you are away from home, it is better to do one thing more than one less thing.Ji Feiyun explained: "My grandfather can kick. My brother learned it when he was a child. Dealing with petty theft is not a problem."

It was early morning after the confession was recorded.The police station sent the two men back to Shamian.

Afraid of causing trouble to Liang Yanchao, Ji Feiyun casually gave an address, and walked back after they left.

Liang Yanchao also came back very late, but much earlier than the two of them.Ji Feixue didn't see them.She thought something was wrong and almost called the police.

Ji Feixue's face changed when she knew that these two people had been robbed. "Feiyun, are you injured?"

"With Yongpeng, I'm not hurt."

While talking about what happened to him, Ji Feiyun did not forget to give Ji Feixue and Liang Yanchao the snacks he brought back.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Ji Feiyun climbed onto Ji Feixue's bed. "Sister, how is Brother Yanchao's clothing factory?"

"The scale is large and there are many workers in the factory. However, the factory is under the management of a partner who usually pays little attention."

Ji Feiyun asked curiously, "What did you do tonight?"

"I didn't do anything. I just showed myself around the factory. I observed the whole process from design to plate making to production line. Then I went to Guancheng."

Liang Yanchao went to Guancheng to talk about cooperation between Hong Kong and Hong Kong.He knew she didn't like entertainment, so he didn't let her accompany him when he went to watch the city.He just made her wait in the car.

This round trip is very late.

Ji Feiyun regretted that time was too tight, otherwise he would have to go to the garment factory to have a look.

Ji Feixue brought back a stack of posters.The above clothes are all produced by garment factories.The style and quality are very good.Then he can find time to order a batch of suitable ones and hang them up when the mall opens.

There are three key points in this area, Ji Feiyun is not worried at all.

"Sister, you went to the garment factory. What's your plan?"

Ji Feixue thought: "Feiyun, I think this business is very interesting. I also want to do this in the future."

Great, Ji Feixue finally found his goal.

But she looks kind of weird.Ji Feiyun didn't understand, "Sister, why do I think you are unhappy?"


No, I am not.I have work to do.

The two sisters had nothing to say, and Ji Feixue was still a little embarrassed. "I thought Liang Yanchao was just speculating to make money. I knew he was so powerful when I came here."

Human understanding is limited.Ji Feixue had only been to this county before, and was fascinated by this provincial capital.Liang Yanchao's vision, wealth and communication are so far away for her.

She never expected to make friends with such a person.

If others can't ask for it, Ji Feiyun knows that Ji Feixue is not such a person.She is not only sensitive but also inferior.Facing the radiant Liang Yanchao, she would subconsciously feel ashamed.She felt that she and Liang Yanchao were people from two worlds, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

Ji Feiyun knew that Ji Feixue did this not only because of her character, but also because of her environment.

Ji Feixue is a dull child.He only works hard at home and rarely goes out to play with his peers.

Because of his personality, he was naturally isolated by his classmates after school.In middle and high school, students compare and envy each other.In addition, Ji Feixue is very beautiful, attracting more and more boys, especially wealthy girls.They are susceptible to all kinds of sarcasm.

Communication becomes clear over time.Rich students look down on her, and she doesn't hang out with rich people.

So, when the third brother met Liang Yanchao's rich friends who were posted in a mess, his feeling was unreal.

"Sister, you are smart and beautiful. You are hard-working and considerate. You and Liang Yanchao have a natural intimacy. They don't know how suitable they are to be friends. Haven't you seen him take you around? He is anywhere He can take care of your emotions, which shows how much he cares about being your friend."


"He's a businessman. He doesn't have time to play with you. Taking you out this way will broaden your horizons." Ji Feiyun gave her some good advice, and continued to ask: "Sister, do you like this place?"

"It's not practical. It's like a dream."

It is normal to have too many influences and gaps in thought.However, with Ji Feixue's talent, Ji Feiyun believes that she will make a difference in this field.

(End of this chapter)

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