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Chapter 36 Can You Afford It?

Chapter 36 Can You Afford It?

Tian Weidong and Xu Qingqing talked and laughed.He also lifted Xu Qingqing's hair.Xu Qingqing punched him lightly, and Jiao Didi said, "You hate it."

Rumors abounded in the village.They still don't know how to control it.I really don't know if they are thick-skinned or if they are stronger than gold.

Tian Weidong was looking for a place to eat.Unexpectedly, he raised his head and saw Nan Yongpeng.At this time, he found that Ji Feiyun was also looking at him.

It's embarrassing.He hadn't expected to run into them.It was too late.

Tian Weidong was arrested many times.He has a lot of experience in dealing with it, so he walked over and said, "Feiyun, no wonder I couldn't find you. So you went to the street. Well, you sell things?"

They even sell fried noodles.Why didn't he think of this idea?
Xu Qingqing was wearing a plaid skirt and a shawl with long hair.It looks harmless to humans and animals.She smiled like a flower blooming, "Nan Yongpeng, Xiao Feiyun."

They looked very indifferent, silently ignoring the dogs and men.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Xu Qingqing reached out and touched Ji Feiyun's braid. "Xiao Feiyun, is this business easy to do?"

Ji Feiyun turned his head to avoid her dirty hands.Dog men and women, who is the hypocrisy for!
Tian Weidong smiled, "We happened to meet on the road, so we went to the street together as companions. Feiyun, do you want to play with brother?"

Ji Feiyun asked: "Is this the kind of kidnapping?"

"Feiyun, you really misunderstood me. If I did it on purpose, the police would have arrested me long ago."

Nan Yongpeng despised his hypocrisy and expelled him: "Get out of the way, don't stop me from doing business."

Tian Weidong exploded instantly.Feiyun rejected himself and was encouraged by Nan Yongpeng.He pretended to be kind to the fool, but just wanted to blackmail the fool for selling ginseng.

The fool was stupid, but he was lucky.He can sell a wild ginseng for 500 yuan.That was money he could not earn for three years.If she could give him 500 yuan, he wouldn't have to marry Xu Qingqing.

Thinking of this, Tian Weidong became even more unhappy. "I spend money when you're in business. How can I stop you?"

Nan Yongpeng asked: "Can you afford it?"

"What do you mean I can't afford it?" Tian Weidong was very angry, and he took out one yuan. "Give me two chow mein. You don't need to look for it."

Nan Yongpeng looked at him without speaking.

"Why don't you do business?"

Tian Weidong thought he was rich.The cow coaxed: "Take it." Have you never seen a dollar? That's right.What you make is worthless.A dollar is cheap for you. "

A brand new dollar trembled in his hand.He thought Nan Yongpeng was going to reach for it, but his hand suddenly let go.

When the money fell on the ground, Tian Weidong pricked up his ears and said, "What are you doing? You don't want to pick it up!" A wild species floating in the river actually provoked his relationship with Ji Feiyun.Good things from the Ji family should belong to him!
Nan Yongpeng stood upright, with cold eyebrows and sarcastic eyes.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew the money away.Tian Weidong became anxious, " money, my money!"

He ran after the money in a panic, and ran into a passerby on the street.The man was carrying tofu to sell.When he hit him, all the tofu fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

A passer-by pointed to the pile of tofu to sell for money, grabbed Tian Weidong by the collar and cursed: "You have no eyes when you walk, and you are in a hurry to be reincarnated." If you don't pay me for the tofu today, you will never leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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