Chapter 363 Don't cry!
Gao Lanxiang immediately became worried, but it was not easy to question Nan Yongpeng face to face.After all, it was too hot to shave her head.

"Did you do something bad to upset him?"


"Don't cry. Mom will help you."

Gao Lanxiang went to Ji Shuxing first.There are two waitresses in the store.They are older than Nan Yongpeng and have ordinary looks, but they are not married.

"Has the little girl in the store hooked up with Nan Yongpeng recently?"

Ji Shuxing was full of suspicion, "No, Nan Yongpeng has been very busy recently. Brother Zhuo is in charge most of the time."

There was no one in the store.It cannot be said that the problem lies with the school.Gao Lanxiang went to see Ji Feixue again. "Has Nan Yongpeng been in contact with any female classmates in school recently?"

Ji Feixue's mother asked him that he stepped on the sewing machine and the stitches went crooked. "No, he left after school exams. He didn't even speak to the teacher."

Gao Lanxiang did not give up. "When he went to the provincial capital, was he fascinated by the girls in the city?"

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"He suddenly ignored your sister."

Ji Feixue was personally surprised. "It's impossible. He took good care of Feiyun and even prepared motion sickness medicine."

I have no problem coming back these days.

The more you can't find a reason, the more difficult things become.Gao Lanxiang is more motivated and must find a way.

Ji Shuxing frowned, "What are you worried about about the children?" Nan Yongpeng and Feiyun are so different.Can anyone explain the future clearly?Don't always be on the line.When you can stop, you can't stop. "

When Nan Yongpeng is old, whoever he likes is his business.How could he force the cow to drink water?Sooner or later he will be our enemy.

"Thanks to you, you are still my father. I think you are my stepfather. Don't you want an excellent son-in-law like Nan Yongpeng?"

"I think it's one thing, but we can't mess with it."

"Well, I know you can't count on it. Leave it alone. I'll figure it out myself."

Liu Lanxiang has a long-term heart.As she ate her breakfast, she looked at the fourth way.As before, Nan Yongpeng gave Feiyun milk and buns, and also put fried eggs in the bowl.

After breakfast, she took the opportunity of cleaning and wiping the handrails of the stairs to see Nan Yongpeng to check her homework, and then asked her to recite the text.

I was problem.I don't dislike Feiyun at all.

Just as I was about to leave, I saw an incredible scene.After memorizing the ancient poems, my good treasure rushed towards Nan Yongpeng.Nan Yongpeng pushed him away with his hands.

I have to admit that a mother is really slow in this regard, and she only knows it after seeing Nam Yongpeng's behavior.

After her daughter came down, Gao Lanxiang comforted her and said, "Nan Yongpeng is not angry with you, it's just that you two are old and men and women are different, so you can't get too close to each other."

Ji Feiyun seemed to know more than him. "But I did the same with my dragon."

"Ji Feilong is your real brother. In his eyes, you are still young. You should avoid it when you grow up. If you see Ji Feilong and Ji Feixue, you will not hug each other. Remember, you can Play with Nan Yongpeng, but girls should be reserved and love themselves. You can't rely too much on boys, otherwise you will lose money."

It's her fault she didn't think enough.In the past, Feiyun was very stupid, and he didn't know how to teach him.Later, she recovered from her illness and took Nan Yongpeng as her son-in-law.No such concerns.

Men and women are different.Ji Feiyun understood!

In the morning, he went to the supply and marketing agency to pick up the goods.Several people are cooking chicken in the kitchen.Nan Yongpeng saw that Ji Feiyun had come to make trouble.He was worried that she would stain her clothes.He bent down to help her roll up his sleeves.Unexpectedly, in order not to let Ji Shuxing help, she turned away.

He didn't feel it was personal to him.At noon, he sat down to eat.When he got up, he had to pick up chopsticks for her.Unexpectedly, she picked up a bowl and dodged it.She has been holding chopsticks.If she can't reach it, she won't eat it.

Ji Feilong threw down the bowl and chopsticks and asked her to play the piano. "Sister, I have something good for you."

(End of this chapter)

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