Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 364 Are You Blackened?

Chapter 364 Are You Blackened?
Ji Feiyun clapped his hands and said solemnly: "Don't touch me. Men and women don't kiss each other."

Nan Yongpeng almost suffocated.

Ji Feilong's eyes widened, "Little sister, have you turned black?"

"You've just turned black!" Pushing Ji Feilong against the wall, he went upstairs to rest.

At night, Nan Yongpeng saw her dragging her schoolbag into Ji Fei's snow classroom and putting the books on the table. "Sister, I can't do it."

Ji Feixue thought the sun was coming out from the west.She just wanted to ask herself why she didn't go to Luyuan for class, but she thought it was her own sister.How could she deduce the responsibility of consulting, and asked softly, “Where is that not?”

Nan Yongpeng returned to his room with sobs.

One night, Ji Feiyun did not come.He heard the door slam shut.

While sleeping, Nan Yongpeng locked the door, thought for a while, and pushed the latch.

I didn't sleep well at night.I woke up several times.The room was eerily quiet.

In the morning, when the room next door was opened, Ji Feiyun came out of Ji Feixue's room holding a pillow.His sleepy eyes were red and swollen.He went back to the room and plopped down on the bed.

Nan Yongpeng: "..."

Seeing that her head was full of fog, Ji Feixue explained: "Feiyun had a nightmare last night. She said many people died. There was blood everywhere. She was so scared that she couldn't sleep alone. Her eyes were crying and swollen."

Nan Yongpeng frowned.He didn't lock the door last night.

When Ji Feiyun went downstairs, breakfast was ready, and a large can of pork noodles was already full.

When Nan Yongpeng came out of the kitchen, she was already holding chopsticks.I used to be served by others.Also, I got scalded by freshly baked pork offal powder.I pursed my lips, making my chopsticks unsteady.My hands were scalded by the splashed soup, "Hiss..."

Nan Yongpeng wanted to help her, but she didn't let go.

Will she stop talking to him?
Nan Yongpeng casually put two pieces of lean meat in the bowl.Just as he was about to continue, Ji Fei picked up a bowl from Yunyun and walked out, sat under the stone pier in the front yard, and ate slowly.

There wasn't much in the bowl.She finished it in no time.She put the bowls and chopsticks back on the table and said with a smile, "Mom, dad, brother and sister, I'm full."

I even drank the soup, but the meat in the bowl was left untouched.

Nan Yongpeng lost his appetite.

Li Yanmei brought back fresh meat from the supply and marketing cooperative.Ji Feilong will be struggling today.Several people are busy in the kitchen.

There is a live baby in the kitchen, named Ji Feilong.Ji Feiyun quickly laughed: "Ji Feilong, don't be so mean."

Ji Feilong can't cook chicken well, he doesn't know what he's talking about.Ji Feiyun raised his fist and chased after him.The siblings fought.In the end, Ji Feiyun rode on his neck and picked carambola in the backyard.

After picking half of the carambola, Xiaoshu brought a few companions to play with Ji Feiyun. "Feiyun, the teacher said that there is an exam tomorrow. Are you going to school?"

"Let's go."

"Then I'll wait for you tomorrow."

"So, what do you want for breakfast, little tree?" I'll bring it to you tomorrow. "

"Meat buns."

Little kids are born to love to play.Plus, they always have delicious food when they come.A group of people came and didn't intend to leave.They took Ji Feiyun's eagle to catch chickens.

Fat Dunbao turned into a hen, and Ji Feiyun stood behind him, with his hands on his shoulders, nimbly avoiding the eagle's pursuit, and his silver bell-like laughter was blown away by the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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