Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 384 Don't Worry!

Chapter 384 Don't Worry!
Nan Yongpeng said: "You don't have to worry. When bidding, I think most of the judges are satisfied. The scores given should not be too bad. For the specific situation, we will try it in the afternoon."

It's still early.It's almost time to go back to the hotel for lunch and go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

"The market is still far away. I will have lunch at school at noon. I have prepared everything for you." Ji Feilong was afraid that his sister would be tired from running around, so he called his aunt to help him last night.He bought meat and vegetables early in the morning.

"Eat in the cafeteria at noon." Ji Feilong hugged Ji Feiyun and said, "Look at what Ji Feilong usually eats. You will be more confident when you cook in the afternoon."

It was a while before they left for dinner.Feilong took them around the campus.

Rongshan Middle School is surrounded by mountains and green water.It occupies a large area.The campus is green and sprouting.There are junior and senior high schools, with a total of more than 1000 people.

Walking on the road to the school, Ji Feiyun saw a teaching building under construction in the distance. "Ji Feilong, do you want to expand your school's enrollment?"

"We are enrolling more and more students every year, and one building is not enough."

"Families with lots of employees. Where can the kids read them?"

"Qingjiang Elementary School." Ji Feilong pointed at her and said, "Go in that direction for more than ten minutes."

"Will the elementary school also be expanded?"

"This city is not much better than our town. It is much easier for them to make money. It is not a problem for children to go to primary school. Unlike us, we can only herd cattle, pigs and grass."

In the future, the country will pay more attention to education.The so-called "mobile student iron house" is the only way for Jiang Yunbao to enter the wasteland on both sides of the Qingjiang River.

"Brother, please help me find out who owns this piece of wasteland on both sides of the strait and how much it sold for?"

Ji Feilong immediately panicked and wanted to slap himself twice.

The cafeteria will open 15 minutes earlier.Two vegetable and two half meat dishes are optional.

What Ji Feiyun wanted was stir-fried dried radish with green vegetables and pork belly.

Five cents for rice, five cents for vegetables, eight cents for stir-fried radish with pork belly, and only two or three yuan for fatty meat.

The main purpose of the school cafeteria is not to make money.18 points per meal is enough.Boys can eat enough, but no oil and water to kill the greens.Greens tend to dry out and turn yellow very quickly after frying.The fried pork belly was so dry that there was no feeling of meat in your mouth.Rice is made from early rice.The rice grains were broken, there was too much water, and the rice was rotten.

It's really not delicious, but it's good to be able to eat well this year.A poor family could get a slice of rice and vegetables for a dime.

Jiang Yunding felt that it was not as bad as the fourth grade.

"Knowing we need to open more restaurants to grab business, chefs are more interested in cooking because they're afraid of losing their jobs. The ones before were worse."

Before the meal was finished, when the troops came to the school, the cafeteria was crowded with people.There are not many food windows.Students return to their dorms with their own lunch boxes.However, it took half an hour for the group to get less crowded.

So a lot of people, even with thin margins but fast turnover, are still very profitable.

After leaving the cafeteria, Nan Yongpeng and others returned to the guest house for lunch.

After returning, Ji Feiyun was restless.He sat on the bed and didn't sleep.He kept staring at Nan Yongpeng.

Nam Yongpeng knows what he wants, but he just doesn't nod and turns his back on her.

Ji Feiyun did not fall asleep, and continued to stare at his back.

Nan Yongpeng couldn't bear the cold on his spine. "It takes at least 7 yuan to get the land. What kind of mortgage do you use?"

"Commercial Street".

Nan Yongpeng took a breath and said, "Not enough." A building costing 1500 yuan is only worth more than 4 yuan.


awesome.I dare to mortgage him.

Well, she can buy whatever she wants.Once something happens, he will be taken away by others!
(End of this chapter)

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