Chapter 385 Or, You Sell Me!
Ji Feiyun leaned over and smiled on his shoulder, "Yongpeng, our commercial street has increased in value. Each building costs more than 500 yuan. In addition, there is also a Yongpeng mall."

Does she know that mall?It's opening soon, and it's going to cost a lot to buy.

"You should sell me, you should hurry up and find the money."

"Yongpeng is 8000 more than [-]. I can't bear to sell it." Ji Feiyun hugged him and rubbed his neck. "You're so good at making money. I just sold myself. I can't bear to sell you."

Trust her!
Under her harassment, Nan Yongpeng didn't even sleep, but he never let go.

She said it easily.Whether the mortgage can be borrowed, and whether the wasteland is willing to sell are all troublesome.She can't touch her lips casually.

More importantly, this is not the time for her to discuss it with him.Now it's his turn.

The plates used for the test were borrowed from the original canteen.The group arrived half an hour early, found the auntie in the cafeteria who the four of them contacted, and got a few packets of vegetables.

The three vegetables, three and a half meat dishes, and three meat dishes served in the morning are plain and clear.Ji Feilong prepared enough food.

In the afternoon, the atmosphere is much more relaxed.Even the staff from the original cafeteria came to watch.Ji Feiyun found a place to sit upright.

Seven or eight student representatives joined the judging panel, and it immediately became lively.The leaders gave a simple speech and it started.

Li Yanmei is Kwai and prepares dishes, while Nan Yongpeng is used to holding a spoon.From small pots to large pots, she can cook anything.

I specially brought a salt-baked chicken, tore it into pieces and put it on a plate to heat.The strong fragrance dissipates quickly.

All student representatives know how to eat, and their families are in excellent conditions.They are advocates of canteen reform.They usually go to the canteen to add more food, and the taste is richer and more fragrant after heating.Think about lunch, there is no harm in not having comparisons.

The first stewed meat dish, braised pork, braised duck with ginger powder.

The cafeteria staff complained secretly: "How much are you willing to pay for a copy?" Can the students afford it? "

Cook said reluctantly: "If schools are willing to buy these materials, I will not make them worse than anyone else.

The student representative said in surprise: "Wow, throw the pot! Look, he can throw the pot, and he has two hands. At first glance, he is an expert."

Praise for those who don't like it, especially Nam Young Peng.They brought it out by themselves.Praising him made Ji Feiyun feel very successful.

Dishes come out at different times.When they are ready, they are sent to the corresponding table.A jury will score them after the trial.The cafeteria suddenly became lively.

If you don't eat for free, the canteen staff will come in and taste the dishes of each family.

Nan Yongpeng made full use of these two stoves.In less than an hour, all nine dishes were eaten, while other families only ate half.

Ji Feiyun joined the team, and not only tasted the dishes of each household, but also took the opportunity to peek at the evaluation form.Then he came back angrily and said, "Yong Peng, every dish is good or bad."

Then he pointed it out to him.

Nan Yongpeng raised his head.It was the man who had caused him so much trouble this morning. "This is good. When scoring, the highest and lowest will be removed."

After 6 rounds, many people are full.Some unruly student representatives asked: "If you sign the contract, how will the price be set?"

"Rice, green vegetables and half-meat dishes are slightly more expensive than the current cafeteria, but not much more expensive. They are all priced according to quality. The whole piece of meat should be measured by portion, and the specific details should be discussed with the school. I believe they will Give you the best price. A meal doesn't cost much."

"You can't eat these dishes well. Can you pass by in the future?"

"Don't worry, the school will monitor you. You can't be fake."

Each dish is worth ten.After calculating the total score, put it into the box without leaving your name, and the student representative will sing live and score.

As expected, Nam Yongpeng was far ahead in scoring, followed by Group [-], while the scores of the employees' families were far behind.

Ji Feiyun tasted the dishes made by the family members of the employees, and some of them were really delicious, but the score did not go up, and he did not say the reason.

The man surnamed him wrote the score on the blackboard.He turned blue and could not speak a word.

The rankings will come out soon.With the morning results, Nan Yongpeng ranked second in the half.

However, the school did not eliminate No.2, but continued to use it as a second choice.Everyone wants to choose good food.However, Nan Yongpeng's quotation is not low, and the admission situation of students must be considered.

(End of this chapter)

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