Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 404 Who knew that Nan Yongpeng didn't trust her.

Chapter 404 Who knew that Nan Yongpeng didn't trust her.

Ji Feiyun doesn't trust Ji Shuxing.Who knew that Nan Yongpeng didn't trust her.

Nan Yongpeng did not make a clear statement on the Ji family. "Uncle, I'll go with you and Feiyun."

The prospective son-in-law is well-informed.Can't believe he's going with him.

They went to the county seat with their passbooks.When they walked to the street, they met Liang Yanchao who was driving back.When Gao's family moved to a new home, he came back from the provincial capital.When he learned about the situation of Ji's family, he said enthusiastically: "Get in the car, I'll take you there."

Not far from the county seat.I'm going to the hospital right away.

Knowing that it was Ji Shuqing's family, the nurse said softly, "Why are you here? The patient was hit by a car at night and was sent here this morning. He was seriously injured in many places and has fallen into a coma. Our hospital is not equipped enough. If you agree to amputate him, you must take him to the municipal hospital as soon as possible."

Ji Shuxing did not expect the situation to be so serious. "Girl, what if you don't amputate?"

"will die."

Ji Shuxing's face turned pale.

He rushed into the ward and saw Ji Shuqing's arm was wrapped with a thick bandage, and his left leg was wrapped in the quilt like a rice dumpling.Blood is still oozing.

I don't know what Ji Shuqing has experienced in the past six months.He had a shaggy beard and was skinny.He was in a coma with no trace of blood.

Ji Shuxing shook his hand, his eyes were red. "Shuqing, why are you like this?" When I was a child, I was very naughty, very naughty.I love jumping on trees like a monkey.

At the time, times were tough and the two brothers had a good relationship.He ran to steal sweet potatoes, not forgetting to plant the biggest root for himself. "Brother, you are very hungry. Here you are."

But then things changed.

In Ji Shuxing's heart, no matter what changes happen, Ji Shuxing is his brother.The brothers just lacked an opportunity to let go of their prejudices.

Nan Yongpeng took Ji Feiyun to see a doctor.The doctor said: "Broken bones and nerves. They were late. They had an infection and a fever. The hospital is limited. There may be hope for him to transfer soon."

"How much do you want?"

"If you don't procrastinate, 70% of people will procrastinate."

Nan Yongpeng looked at Ji Feiyun.Ji Feiyun thought: "Please help me complete the formalities."

She has no feelings for her second uncle, but this is human life, and Ji Shuxing cares very much.If he just gives up like this, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

The transfer procedure was completed quickly, and Ji Shuqing was sent to the ambulance.

When leaving the hospital on Saturday, Ji Feiyun saw Ying's family rushing over from the window in a panic.

She didn't tell them what she wanted her family to do if they did everything?
The ambulance soon arrived at the municipal hospital.The doctor immediately ordered an examination.After the operation was indeed feasible, the family members signed the consent form for the operation and were quickly pushed into the operating room.

The family waited outside the operating room.Ji Feiyun found Ji Shuxing. "Dad, Nan Yongpeng doesn't have much cash."

Ji Shuxing didn't think much about it.He gave all 80 yuan to his daughter.

Two hours later, Ji Shuqing was pushed out of the operating room and sent to the ward.

The operation was very successful.The next step is postoperative observation.

Looking at the emptiness below his knees, Ji Shuxing felt sad and kept watching in front of the hospital bed.

Ji Xiangling and the others arrived very late at night.Before they arrived at the ward, "Shu Qing, Shu Qing, why are you in such pain..."

Six people gathered in front of the hospital bed, crying so much that people's eardrums hurt.The security guard's repeated dissuasion was ineffective.

Looking at her empty trouser legs, Li Yanmei was heartbroken.She grabbed Jiang Shuqing's shoulder and shook it vigorously. "Shuqing, wake up. Wake up. If you become like this, what can I do with my child?"

"This family member, the patient has multiple injuries and just had surgery. You can't move him."

The screaming continued, I don't know if she was crying for her own life or Ji Shuqing.

(End of this chapter)

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