Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 405 Someone needs to take care of you!

Chapter 405 Someone needs to take care of you!

Ji Feiyun pulled his father out of the ward. "Dad, you can't be left without someone to take care of you. You'd better go back early. The second uncle has been taken care of. Nan Yongpeng and I will stay too."


"We've done our duty. You can't keep it until he leaves the hospital, right? It's the second aunt's responsibility."

Ji Shuxing thought it was the same, but when he came, he wanted to explain it twice before leaving.But he was stopped by Ji Feiyun, "Dad, do you want to give grandma hope?" She didn't even bat an eye when she was at her worst.Now that the conditions are good, she wants to enjoy happiness with her.How could such a good thing happen.

Ji Shuxing thought for a while, asked Nan Yongpeng a few words, turned and left.

When Ji Xiangling and the others had cried enough, Ji Feiyun came over, "My family will bear all the expenses of my second uncle in the hospital." As for your expenses, please be responsible for yourself. "

"You..." Ji Xiangling burst into tears again, but he thought that his elder brother's family had just rescued Ji Feiming, and the hospital depended on them to pay such a large fee, so he had to endure it: "Feiyun, we are in a hurry and we have no money. We are already hungry." All day."

"There's a canteen in the hospital. You can eat."

"but we……"

"My father has tried his best. If you can't even solve your stomach problem, I can't help you either."

How did you drive here if you had no money?
I was howling a lot just now.It's not that I haven't eaten.

This dress is very similar to Ji Shuxing's.Ji Feiyun didn't eat.He took Nan Yongpeng's hand and left.

Ji Xiangling cried again, but he couldn't catch up with Nan Yongpeng.

The "bitter meat trick" that arouses people's sympathy may be useful to Ji Shuxing, but Ji Feiyun's family affection is not overwhelming.

Ji Xiangling was really panicked.Her son lay unconscious in a hospital bed.Without his legs, his life is ruined.There are still a few people in the family waiting to eat, and his coffin has also been emptied.

It's a shame Tian Tian shouldn't be doing this.He couldn't work very well and crouched helplessly on the ground. "Ji Shuxing, I'm your mother. Are you going to leave me so cruelly? I don't care whether I live or die in the future."

After being discharged from the hospital, they drove to Qingjiang Middle School.When they arrived, the students had just finished their dinner.Li Yanmei and others are eating.

"Nan Yongpeng, Feiyun, what are you doing here?" Li Yanmei was taken aback, and said, "I don't want to tell you in advance, so that I can prepare food for you."

Ji Feilong also ate with them.He hasn't been home for a while.Without saying a word, he hugged Ji Feiyun. "Sister, are you here to see me?" Why are you thin?Think what I was thinking, hahaha! "

"Yongpeng and I sent my second uncle to amputate."

Fourth child: "..."

The second uncle and his family are not good.The fourth uncle almost got into a fight with him several times.The whole family is the most disgusting thing to Ji Shuqing.He thought he would blame his family for treating Ji Shuqing.

Ji Feilong was silent for a long time. "How is the second uncle?"

"His life is saved, it depends on his future fate."

"It's good. At least I won't be gambling without a leg. I can take care of my family."

Ji Feiyun was taken aback, but after thinking about it carefully, Jiang Shuqing was still lazy.Because he was addicted to gambling and owed a lot of debts, he didn't even dare to go home and hid the debts outside all day long.

If it wasn't for this bad habit, that leg wouldn't be ruined at all.

The driver who caused the accident ran away.In this day and age, information is still very backward.Not to mention getting compensation, the possibility of catching the perpetrator is very small.

"Sister, we have accepted the second uncle's medical expenses, but don't lie to us again in the future."

This is also the reason why Ji Feiyun wants to support Ji Shuxing.Zhou Liuying and Li Yanmei have obvious intentions.She had to call her mom and remind her that everyone couldn't go through this muddy water again.

There is not much food left in the cafeteria.Ji Feiyun didn't eat both meals.He ate two bowls before stopping. "Brother Zhao, your skills are getting better and better."

Zhao Hongqi is moderate. "Yanmei taught Chang'an very well."

When the employees eat, they will go to the cafeteria to clean up, and some people will talk while eating.Now the number of students coming to the cafeteria for each meal has gradually stabilized, equal to that of the cafeteria, and is expected to rise in the future.

At first, Li Yanmei and her husband didn't know what to do, but they gradually figured out their own experience.The material preparation of each meal is more accurate and there is less waste.All cost controls are better than cafeterias. "Don't worry, the cafeteria will definitely get better and better in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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