Chapter 406 I Have No Money!

After a while, Ji Feiyun found that Li Yanmei had matured a lot and became more confident.

After the canteen was cleaned up, Zhao Hongqi asked the staff to leave their jobs.He said to Ji Feiyun: "I want to call you. Are you sure you want to leave the wasteland in our village? The village chief saw that I didn't answer. He came to the door himself and asked me to ask you again."

"I don't have the money if I want it. I'm still trying to pull myself together." Everyone was there, the night was dark and windy.Ji Feiyun wanted to go there for an interview.

The village is not far away.Ji Feiyun took a salted chicken from the kitchen, bought something from the cafeteria, and went back to the village with Zhao Hongqi and his wife.

The muddy road is full of potholes.Zhao Hongqi walked very slowly.His daughter-in-law walked beside him with a pistol, to help him if he fell.

Mrs. Zhao is a typical rural woman.She is hardworking and virtuous.She didn't hate her husband because he had no legs, but she took the initiative to carry a lot of things on her back.

While walking and chatting, Ji Feiyun realized that they were not only in the same village, but also childhood sweethearts.After Zhao Hongqi returned from his demobilization, he told everything about the village.However, the couple now work in a cafeteria.Not only can they get money, but the food that cannot be sold cannot be reused.Yanmei will let them bring it back.The family doesn't have to worry about food.They don't know how many people they envy.

Mrs. Zhao is very grateful to them.Not only is she more confident than before since her husband became a chef, but she also smiles more.

After walking for about half an hour, Zhaojia Village arrived.The village was pitch black, save for sporadic lights and the occasional barking of dogs.

The house is still a mud brick house, so dilapidated that there is not even a place to stay.Zhao Hongqi broke his limbs all day long, and asked his wife to take them to the village chief's house.

Knowing the identity of the visitor, the village chief warmly invited him into the house to make tea.After exchanging pleasantries, he said, "The total area of ​​that land is more than 260 mu. Why did you buy it?"

Ji Feiyun couldn't tell the truth. "Let's be honest, we're here to do things for other people."

The village chief was surprised.

"My Ji Shuxing is a landlord, and he was rehabilitated not long ago. All the valuables were returned, but the land was distributed to farmers, so I don't want me to buy some land. As for why he likes wasteland, we don't know. Anyway, He pays both the money and the land. Anyway, he won't lie to you."

The village head knew that the landlord Lao Cai was such a person.Without a small piece of land at hand, he couldn't sleep at night.The farmer is unwilling to sell good land.It seems that he wants to buy wasteland and rebuild.

The village chief thought: "The land in our village is not bad. It is close to the Qingjiang River, and the location is low. Sometimes there will be some floods. If you want to buy it, I will not charge a high price. Juan waited at the school gate: "Feiyun, what are you doing today? Where are you staying late? "If you don't live there, I'll squeeze with someone else."

The two were asking for a room at the youth hostel just now, but Ji Feiyun wanted to see where she lived.

The house for rent is just across the road.This is a large private house with several tenants inside.The room is not big, but very clean and tidy.There are still junior high school books on the table, and she usually remembers to do the accounting books.

I remember that ledger very carefully.How many ingredients are prepared for each meal, how much is the price, and how much is spent on each transaction, it is very clear.I made two notes in a very short time.

Nan Yongpeng is a master of mental arithmetic.He didn't say anything after reading it.

Ji Feiyun asked: "Sister Yanmei, didn't Feilong make you angry? [biquku]?"

"Flying Dragon is fine, except for his big problem." One day does not blow, one day dies.

Ji Feiyun saw Li Yanmei's review notes and said with concern, "Have you enrolled in evening school yet?"

"I missed the last class. I have to wait for the next class. I'm afraid I won't do well in the exam, so I turn to the book whenever I have time."

When she left, Ji Feiyun smiled and said to her: "Come on."

After a day of tossing and turning, I was so tired that I went back to the hotel and lay quietly.Even the bath water was put by Nan Yongpeng.

After waking up, I woke up naturally, and called home as agreed: "Dad, second uncle is fine. Nothing happened, it's just grandma jumping up and down."

After breakfast, Ji Feiyun went to the cafeteria to experience life.Several employees are washing and cutting vegetables.Zhao Hongqi and his wife are washing and steaming rice.Li Yanmei received the goods at the back door.If there is substandard food, she should return it in time. "This food is yellow. Didn't we sell out two days ago? No, we don't accept it. Next time, we will find someone else to cooperate."

Everyone comes step by step.Nan Yongpeng and Zhao Hongqi were busy in the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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