Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 409 Thank you this time!

Chapter 409 Thank you this time!

"Feiyun is here." Ji Xiangling didn't know when she was standing in front of the ward with a vacuum flask in her hand.Her expression was so far-fetched.

Ji Feiyun should have disappeared on Saturday. "Uncle, I'll go home first. I will send someone to go through the formalities when you leave the hospital."

Seeing that she was about to leave, Ji Xiangling was very worried, "Feiyun, you've made up your mind this time."

She took out a thick wad of bills from her pocket. "This is the last few days. Grandma really has no choice but to ask. Since the boss has promised to bear the medical expenses of the second child, I will reimburse you."

Ji Feiyun was stunned. "So you know that my father bears all the medical expenses?" Why did you call the village committee and say that my father doesn't care about anything? "

"When did I say that?" Ji Xiangling said firmly, "People from the village committee must be listening to me. I just said that I have no money. I don't know if my brother's hospitalization fee has been paid."

At that time, she was not familiar with that place.The eldest family slipped away without a trace, and the hospital even asked for money for drinking water.How could she not be flustered and frightened?

Ji Feiyun took the banknotes and looked down one by one. "Silk quilts? 20 yuan a piece, 6120 yuan."

She smiled and looked at Ji Xiangling.

Ji Xiangling said with a sarcastic smile: "The nights here are very cold. We went to the store next to the hospital without insurance to pay on credit."

Ji Feiyun looked around, "Where's the silk quilt? I haven't seen it yet. Let me see what it looks like."

"Hmm... all food, drink, and food here cost money. I asked Hongjuan to take the children home first, and bring the quilt with her."

"If the quilt is gone, you will not freeze to death, will you?"

"I left mine. I accidentally spilled water on the roof in the morning."

Ji Feiyun continued to refuse, "15 yuan for a meal?"

"6 yuan for 15 people is not expensive."

The second aunt went the day before yesterday.The date on the list is yesterday. "

Ji Xiangling Mountain is going to rain. "I have to eat. Can I wait to starve to death?"

"You took his meal card on the first day, but you haven't returned it. You have such a big appetite. You don't have enough food in the hospital. You have to go out to eat 15 yuan a meal. Is it shark fin or bird's nest? If so If it's expensive, I want to try it."

"Oh, I'm so tired these days. This is for your second uncle. He just had a major operation. He's too weak, and he has to make up."

Ji Feiyun couldn't help laughing.He continued scrolling down, and pulled out a list of medicines. "It doesn't look like it was prescribed by the hospital."

"This is a prescription prescribed by a famous old Chinese medicine doctor outside. It is not available in the hospital. It is very helpful for your second uncle's injury. It is a bit expensive, but it is very effective."

"Ganoderma lucidum, ginseng, donkey skin gelatin, Tianqi"

Before Yu Guangpiao finished reading, he saw the doctor passing by the door of the ward.Ji Feiyun stopped quickly, "Doctor He, can my second uncle eat Tianqi?"

"The weather is to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. Your second uncle just had a major operation, and the wound has not healed yet. If you eat Tianqi, something will happen."

Ji Xiangling blushed, his eyes gleamed fiercely, but he still swallowed it.

Ji Feiyun flipped through a stack of banknotes. "Grandma, I didn't expect you to be so proud, asking for more than 500 yuan. It seems that Uncle Er lost his legs and made you rich. What's the taste of borrowing money from your son's illness?"

Ji Shuqing's cynicism made Ji Xiangling lose face.She immediately turned her face and asked: "Did I kill someone or set it on fire? Many people take care of Ji Feiming day and night. Do I need food and drink? You are a girl. Why are you accusing me? Ji Shuxing is short of money!"

She sat down on the bed, beat her chest and feet, played tricks with Ji Feixue, shed a line of snot and tears.

"Grandma, I want you to make it clear that this is not caused by my family, Uncle. Don't say it as if we owe you." Ji Feiyun ignored it coldly. "My father took care of my second uncle's medical expenses like a brother and didn't let you pay a penny. Is he not sincere enough? You said that you are busy taking care of my second uncle these days, but my second uncle didn't shave his head or beard. The clothes are all stained with vegetables. Where did you take care of them? I think you are busy looking for someone to write the bills and try to steal money from my house."

"What's wrong with me?" You can give it if you like, you can pull it off if you don't.It was right to give Ji Feiming money.Don't be a Bodhisattva yourself.Do you want me to pray ten times and kneel nine times? "

Before, she tried to get the money.Since she didn't want to give it, Ji Xiangling couldn't stand it.Her eyes widened suddenly, and she reached out to grab the banknote.

(End of this chapter)

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