Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 410 This is Evidence!

Chapter 410 This is Evidence!

Here is the evidence.Ji Feiyun backed away from her.

Ji Xiangling's personality is hard to change.She is full of bad words.All the bastard words are uttered.

Afraid of hurting Ji Feiyun, Nan Yongpeng stepped forward to protect her behind him, put his arm around Ji Xiangling's arm, and said coldly, "Grandma Zhou is getting old. It's best to accumulate some virtues for yourself."

People in the same ward have always hated this unruly person.Listening to the bill that Ji Feiyun read out, they also felt that this kind of person was simply sick, so they all followed suit.

"My son was always so anxious when he was very ill that he had time to falsify documents. It was measured in money," he said.

"What could a child do wrong?" As a grandma, I dare you to do that.Really disrespectful. "

"Bang!" There was the sound of a porcelain cup breaking.

There was a sudden silence in the ward.Ji Shuqing swept everything on the table to the ground and shouted excitedly: "Go, let me go. I don't care if I live or die."

Ji Feiyun said: "Uncle, just like grandma, can you rest assured that she will take care of Dani, her younger sister and younger brother?" What will you look like when you grow up? "

Ji Shuqing's face was livid, and he was silent for a long time before gritting his teeth and said, "Mom, brother didn't treat me badly. Don't embarrass him anymore."

Ji Feiyun was very surprised, he could see this from these two punks.

"Oh, my life is too difficult." Sitting on the edge of the bed, Ji Xiangling cried, "I did this for someone, not because you will stutter in the future. You have no conscience, can I take it to the coffin? If not You put all your eggs in one basket, this family has been ruined by you long ago."

With a look of despair on his face, Ji Shuqing kept beating his dangling legs and crying silently.

Ji Feiyun couldn't say any comforting words.He just patted him on the shoulder. "Fei Tian is waiting for you to go home."

Leave the hospital and take the last bus home.

It's already night at home.Gao Lanxiang's anger did not subside.The couple has been arguing a lot lately.Now that the Cold War is here, no one cares.

"I don't want to divorce your father!" After living in the city for a long time, Gao Lanxiang learned many new words, "He should not marry his wife and children. He should spend his time with his mother and younger brother life."

This is how old people are vilified.He even wants to put his hot face on his cold ass.

She is very angry.Ji Feiyun was not in a hurry to persuade him.He went to Ji Shuxing and handed him the stack of documents.

Ji Shu was so angry that he shook hands with him.

Ji Shuxing doesn't know who his mother and second son are, but after all, life and death are at stake.As the boss, there is nothing wrong with him standing tall and seeing far.

"What are your plans after the second uncle is discharged from the hospital?"

Ji Shuxing smiled sarcastically. "What should I do?" My medical expenses are not enough this time.You pay for it. "

"Can you take grandma home?"

"If you really bring your grandma here, you can't let the family run wild." Ji Shuxing shook his head, thinking: "Second son really can't help it. I can only give her a pension. She still She's a tough guy and can't live by herself. When she gets old and can't walk, I'll give her three meals a day."

Ji Feiyun asked again: "Where is the second uncle's house?"

"It's his responsibility as a man to take care of his wife and children. If he doesn't wake up after this time, I can't help it." Ji Shuxing took a deep breath. "If we get lost, we have to help."

It is understandable for him to think so.

Ji Feiyun blinked his eyes. "Dad, you don't listen to Mom and you're still sleeping in the scoring room. Do you want to punish yourself for other people's mistakes?"

"Your mother is fine with everything, but she can't control her temper. Don't worry, I know very well, and I will return the money to her within two days."

(End of this chapter)

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