Chapter 41 Family Meeting
It was still early, so she asked her two daughters to dig in the fields.The good baby can't work when he's sick, but he can plant seeds for him.

The second and fourth children came back from school with hoes to help.The fourth child learned that grandma had robbed the third child of money from selling blood.He was very angry and went to the second uncle's house with a hoe to argue with the second uncle.

Gao Lanxiang's eyes widened: "Okay, don't beat this and that all day long. You don't know when you will be beaten to death by others. If you are capable, you will learn from Feiyun. Now she is the mainstay of the family. "

As soon as the younger sister was mentioned, the anger of the fourth child disappeared. "Feiyun is a lucky star and has always been the pillar of the family."

that's right.Although Ji Feiyun is an abandoned baby, since he was adopted by Ji's family, there will be mysterious bills from the provincial capital every six months, and the amount is not small.In addition to raising children, the life of the Ji family is better than others, and several children can read.Until Ji Feiyun was found to have suffered a heart attack two years ago, the whole family's sky collapsed.

Having been raised for so many years, they became relatives very early on.Several brothers and sisters also regard Ji Feiyun as their younger sister.Even if the provincial capital broke the money order, they did not give up.Even if they sell everything, they must cure her illness.

Ji Feiming looked serious. "Mom, I don't want to take the test." How about going to college? Our family simply can't afford it.It's better to go out to work early to make money and buy medicine for my sister.

Ji Feilong continued: "Me, I don't read either."

Just as Ji Feixue wanted to agree, Gao Lanxiang interrupted him, "Don't tell me, tell your sister."

The three looked at each other.It's pretty much the same dad discussion.Why did they discuss with Feiyun?
"You forgot our rules. Whoever can make money is the master."

Uh, don't my parents rush to talk when they are angry? Feiyun is only six years old.There are no children at home.He's not afraid to make people laugh.

Of course Gao Lanxiang was angry, but she also complained: "Your sister is thinking right now. She just insists on her own thinking."

She means taking medicine.

The true love of these people can't help.If it is another disease, the children will not take medicine, squeeze their noses hard, or beat them with bamboo sticks.Unfortunately, Ji Feiyun's illness is very special, and his brothers and sisters can't do anything about it.

However, the three decided to give up their studies and exams.

In the evening, while Ji Feiyun was taking a bath, Ji Shuxing held a family meeting to focus on this matter.

Ji Shuxing is the head of the family, but Gao Lanxiang is always in charge of family affairs, and everyone's eyes are on her.

Some children are sensible and scramble to sacrifice themselves.Gao Lanxiang spread the money Feiyun earned today on the table, "Except for Nan Yongpeng, we still owe 160 yuan in foreign debt. If we can earn this much money every day, we can pay it off soon. You are all my debts. Nah, I don't want to take sides. Anyway, it's two months until the holidays. You should take the test, read it, and wait until that day."

"Nan Yongpeng's money can't be dragged on forever. Anyway, I'm a woman. What's the use of reading so many books? I'm going to work hard to make money and let them take the exam twice."

Ji Feixue spoke generously and indifferently, but she couldn't hide her reluctance.

"What happened to that girl?" Gao Lanxiang asked: "Girls need to study more. If I study more, I will have the opportunity to work in the city like other brothers. How can I marry your father and suffer in this mountain nest Woolen cloth?"

(End of this chapter)

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