Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 412 Isn't it too scary?

Chapter 412 Isn't it too scary?

Ji Feiyun made it very clear with good reasons: "Isn't there a student who is only two points away from the city's key points? As a result, a trustee spent 300 yuan to get in. If he took out 300 yuan in advance to buy a house in Qingjiang, Things are much easier."

These two races have lived together all their lives.How can they understand so much?Just listening to it makes them dizzy.

"Feiyun, how big is that wasteland?"

"more than 700 acres."

Seven...more than 700, Gao Lanxiang was so excited that she was about to faint again.

An hour later, Ji Feiyun went upstairs with the plate. "Yongpeng, I'm here."

There was a poached egg on the plate.She handed over the chopsticks and said proudly: "I fried it. Isn't it terrible!"

"Like I said, you don't have to."

Nan Yongpeng grabbed her hand.Her hands were soft and waxy, not scalded.And, the fried poached eggs are beautiful.The aroma is tangy.This seems to require just as much effort.

"You were wronged just now. I made it up to you. Eat quickly." She picked up the fried egg and put it into his mouth. "I've been practicing for a long time. I can't bear it. I can cook you a big meal on your next birthday."

It was rare for her to ask her conscience, but Nan Yongpeng did not refuse, and took a few mouthfuls.

Just when I wanted to compliment him, Ji Feiyun said: "Yongpeng, I want to eat sauerkraut buns tomorrow."

Hehe, Bai is very happy.

Gao Lanxiang didn't sleep all night.The next day, she called Ji Feilong and asked, "Ji Feilong, will Nan Yongpeng and Feiyun be deceived?"

When he learned that Nan Yongpeng had lent all his money, he dared to speak nonsense in the fourth grade. "Mom, Qingjiang is so beautiful. You can't be sure what Nan Yongpeng is doing. You will definitely earn it back in the future." It hurts to lie to my mother.

Gao Lanxiang's heart settled down.

Forget it, if you don't do it, you won't get shares because of 60,000 yuan.She still does not interfere with the young people's decisions.

On New Year's Day, there are three days of school holidays and weekends.Ji Feilong came back with Li Yanmei.

The drop cover fruit is in stable condition.The doctor informed him to leave the hospital.Ji Feilong took Li Yanmei to go through the formalities.Regardless of past grievances, Ji Feilong bought Ji Shuqing a walking stick.He even rode him home on a tricycle.

Of course, that's all.Don't think about anything else.

Li Yanmei came back after checking the account.She went back to ask Nan Yongpeng again.

Looking at the four numbers on the paper, Ji Feiyun was very happy. "Sister Yanmei, you and Brother Zhao have worked hard."

"Sister, what should I do?" Ji Feilong pretended not to speak. "I proposed contracting the canteen. You disagreed from the beginning."

"Feilong, you are the best." Ji Feiyun hugged him affectionately. "If it wasn't for you, how could you make so much money." Originally, I wanted to kiss him.I thought about Nan Yongpeng's suggestion, but I still didn't want it.

Ji Feilong was elated.It's sweeter to have a sister's affirmation than to drink honey.

Of course, he was not satisfied with this, so he ran to Gao Lanxiang to collect debts.

"Well, you really did a good job this time." Gao Lanxiang praised her with two words.Suddenly, she asked, "How was the exam?"

"Oh, I don't seem to be eating well." Ji Feilong suddenly looked very painful. "Mom, I'll be right back."

Gao Lanxiang grabbed his ear and said, "How many exams have you taken?" If you don't like it, just pull up your pants! "

After dinner, the whole family went to the mall to check.

Busy until the early hours of the morning, all the products in the mall were inspected.

During the holiday, the four brothers and the eldest brother check out, and Nan Yongpeng is responsible for the checkout of other stores.Ji Feiyun deliberately emptied his schoolbag and knocked on the door, "Brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts, rent, rent."

I felt weak walking down the street and climbing the stairs, but my schoolbag was stuffed to the brim.

When all the profits were counted together, Gao Lanxiang ordered over and over again, but couldn't set the channel: "Five...more than 5000?"

Ji Feiyun smiled. "Our food factory will be completed next month. This way we can make more money."

"Let's save some money and pay it back to the credit union. We owe 9 yuan. We have no debt."

Nan Yongpeng remained silent.

Ji Feiyun gently reminded: "Mom, the land on the other side of the river is still desolate. Since we bought this side, why don't we also buy the other side?"

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet, and no one spoke.


(End of this chapter)

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