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Chapter 413 Guaranteed to complete the mission!

Chapter 413 Guaranteed to complete the mission!

Holidays are short.

Ji Feiyun prepared a few sheets of great unity, "Ji Feilong, go to Director Zhang and keep a low profile."

"Little sister, I am an expert in this area. I promise to complete the task."

Nan Yongpeng didn't leave until the next morning.He took his passbook to Zhaojiacun to sign the contract.In addition, he must go through the filing procedures.It is estimated that it will take two or three days to come back.

After breakfast, the Ji family planned to work in their own place.Tian Shuchang came over and asked Shuxing: "Shuxing, are you there?"

He was not the only one who came, but also the director of the brigade village committee and a middle-aged woman.

Before introducing Ji Shuxing, Tian Shuchang winked at him secretly. "This is Director Chen from our brigade, and this is Comrade Xiao from the Town Women's Federation."

When Director Chen came last time, he was kicked out by Gao Lanxiang.Now here he is again, kind of unreasonable.

Even the Women's Federation went out, and Ji Feiyun was amazed.Ji Xianglingbi is not capable of asserting her rights, but she has many skills.

Seeing these people, Gao Lanxiang immediately became furious.Unexpectedly, Feiyun suddenly put it on her ear and whispered, "Mom, if you shout two more times, we will lose our minds."

How could Gao Lanxiang stand it?She cut Ji Xiangling's heart with a knife.How far will you go before you're old enough to stop causing trouble?
Tian Shuchang also used his eyes to signal her to be patient!

Ji Shuxing had mixed tastes, so he invited them to sit down and made a pot of tea.

"Guo Wei, Jiao Feng, Director Chen, and Comrade Xiao are here today to talk about your mother's support for Ji Xiangling..."

Ji Feiyun suddenly called out: "Uncle Shuchang, wait a moment."

The two comrades who were working were suddenly interrupted by a child of a few years old, surprised and confused.

Ji Feiyun went back upstairs, took the bill and the hospital's billing slip, notebook and pen, and dragged a stool to sit opposite Director Chen and Director Xiao.He said solemnly: "My parents had little education. Today I want to speak to you on their behalf."

The two almost lowered their chins and asked Tian Shuchang with their eyes.What was the situation?
Tian Shuchang is used to it. "No problem." As long as she is not willing, no one can take advantage of her.

In this matter, he completely sided with Ji Shuxing.Ji Xiangling is really shameful, but as the village head, he has some things to cooperate with.

Ji Feiyun was full of righteousness, and said with a smile: "Come on, what do you want to talk about?"

This is the first time Comrade Xiao of the Women's Federation has encountered such a situation.How could she feel that it was she who did not support her elderly mother?
She and Director Chen looked at each other for a moment, and then at each other.The Ji family's situation is a bit special.Are they deliberately letting their children cause trouble to avoid responsibility?

After thinking this way, I immediately had an idea.

Director Chen decided to play forward.Since he was kicked out of the house last time, he really asked Tian Shuchang to inquire about the situation.In the past ten years, Ji Xiangling has not been well, but things always have to be resolved.

However, let him tell a six or seven-year-old child, he really can't tell.He turned his eyes to Ji Shuxing again and said: "Weiguo, I also know about your family. Your mother is not doing well, but there are parents in the world. She has lived with book youthism for more than ten years, but book youthism is not there now. She has a leg and it's hard to support herself, so she wants to live with you. What do you think?"

Ji Feiyun flatly refused, "Our family disagrees."

"It is the child's responsibility to support the elderly. You can't abandon them. You, Shuqing, have supported the elderly for more than ten years, so why would you ask your family for help?"

"It is right to support the elderly." Ji Feiyun agreed, and then changed the subject, "Director Chen, you just said that you know our family well, so you should know that it is my father who really supports her. Five yuan a month, one child That's 20 years."

"Support is more than just providing money, companionship and shelter."

“This house was left by my grandfather. My grandma was only 40 years old when my father left the house. She was strong enough to kill a cow. What support was needed at the time, she took my father’s money to feed two Uncle, working for the second uncle's family to take care of the children. Now she can't do anything, but she asks my family to support her. It's unreasonable."

(End of this chapter)

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