Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 426 Brother Zhuo Saved Me!

Chapter 426 Brother Zhuo Saved Me!
Ji Feiyun tilted his head and said, "Brother Zhuo, if she is sentenced, how long will she stay in prison?"

Xiao Chen really didn't know.According to the usual judgment, it takes at least half a year to start.But now is the time to crack down.She can only watch her luck.

When Ji Feixue came back from buying the medicinal wine, she bought a salt-roasted chicken from the mall and filled it with a few catties of fruit.Just thinking about how to get Zhuo Yuanyuan to catch it, a loud voice suddenly came from outside the door, "Who is Ji Feixue?"

After what happened yesterday, everyone has a shadow in their hearts.They automatically stare at the visitor to see if she has a knife in her hand.

It was a girl, eighteen or nineteen years old, with flat features, freckles on her face, two thick pastry braids, and a pair of earthen cloth shoes on her feet.

Ji Feixue put away her things, smiled and said, "I am. What can I do for you?"

The girl glanced at Ji Feixue, walked over, and said, "My name is Zhuo Yuanxia. I'm Zhuo Yuanyuan's younger sister."

Ji Feishuang was surprised.Just as she was about to come out to entertain, Zhuo Yuanxia asked, "Are you the one who hurt my brother yesterday?"

"If Brother Zhuo hadn't saved me, I would have been injured."

"I know." Wu Xiang took a few glances at the huge shopping mall, and then his eyes fell on himself, "My brother almost lost his hands trying to save you. You really have no conscience. You still let him come to work if his hands are really wasted You won't be able to make any money in the future. Can you support my family?"

"No, I want Brother Zhuo to have a good rest, but Brother Zhuo is very busy..."

"It's very interesting. My brother can't be idle. Who can be idle when they have money?"

There were too many things yesterday, Ji Feishuang didn't have time to think about them.Brother Zhuo saved me before I was injured.He is still on pay while he recovers. "

As she spoke, she also picked up the things she had just prepared. "I'd still like to come to the door and thank you. Here's a little bit of my thoughts. Please take it."

Zhuo Yuanxia took the bag and took a look.The corners of her mouth are turned down. "How can my brother trade this for an arm?"

Ji Feishuang was choked, but she had reason to think that Zhuo Yuanxia cared about her brother.

Her tone was very tactful. "I will never forget Brother Zhuo's kindness in my life. If there is any problem in life that I can solve, just say it."

What Zhuo Yuanxia wanted was her words.Benefits are self-earned.Especially with these rich guys, the more you talk, the less they take you seriously.

"I went to the health center and asked him. My brother's hand was seriously injured and he will be sick in the future. Seriously, it may lead to disability. Without an arm, how can he earn money to support his family? He can't even marry his daughter-in-law, so my Families will be severed. Can you afford that?"

Ji Feishuang was stunned.I didn't expect Brother Zhuo to be such a nice person to have such a difficult sister.

"We are honest people. We will not deceive you on purpose. My brother is injured. From today, his salary has tripled. Also, he can't do heavy work, so I will take on the task of supporting the family, so you have to give I arranged a job. I was an apprentice at a supply and marketing cooperative in the county, and being a salesman in a mall would be no problem."

I don't know what Ji Feishuang was thinking, but the sales staff really couldn't listen.The person was also very unfriendly.Zhuo Yuanyuan volunteered to save others.No one beat him with a knife.Moreover, even the doctor said there was no major problem.She is clearly deceiving.The lion opened his mouth.

Na Zhuo Yuanyuan looked like an honest person, and he didn't expect to do this in person or behind the scenes.It was inconvenient for him to come forward and ask his sister to come and ask for some bargains.Saving people seems to be fake, but taking the opportunity is real.

(End of this chapter)

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