Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 427 What are you doing here?

Chapter 427 What are you doing here?
Ji Feishuang hesitated, "Sister Xia, although the restaurant is half of my family, it is not my own. I can't make a decision about Brother Zhuo's salary increase, but I can take my own salary as compensation. I will talk to Brother Zhuo later. As for the job you said, the new year will come soon. The mall will be busy. You can come and help first..."

"What are you doing here?" A cold cry sounded.

Zhuo Yuancheng suddenly appeared.He obviously heard what Zhuo Yuanxia said just now, and walked over with a gloomy face, "Mom is not feeling well. You didn't take care of her at home. You run around every day, but you don't come back quickly!"

He has a serious expression and a scar on his face.He looked fierce and cold all over.

"If I don't come, you won't be bullied to death, right?" Zhuo Yuanxia was a little disobedient, but she still stubbornly threw the things in her hand on the counter. "How much blood did you bleed when you got stabbed?" People will send you off with that.This is much easier than sending beggars. "

"Shut up." Zhuo Yuancheng got angry. "If it was yesterday, other people would rush forward. I don't want anything in return. If you don't do what you should do, there is no shame in thinking about getting something for nothing every day!"

He took Zhuo Yuanxia's hand and pulled it out, but she was unwilling to leave.

Zhuo Yuanyuan is powerful.He dragged her out of the mall like a cat or dog. "come back to me."

"If I don't go back, you will hurt me!" Zhuo Yuanxia angrily shook off his hand. "You got hurt for nothing. I didn't do this for you. You deserved it. What's the embarrassment?"

When the dog bit Lu Dongbin, he didn't know a good man.Zhuo Yuanxia accused him and said: "You stick out your elbows, you would rather help outsiders find jobs than help me." They agreed to me.Why do you refuse for me? "

"How many jobs have I found for you, and which one will last you?"

"What kind of job did you help me find?" Either fertilizing the farm, dumping manure, or working as a coolie in a supply and marketing cooperative to carry goods.I am your sister.You make me a man's job.You can say it through the wind and rain. "

"Others can do it. Why can't you?" Speaking of this, Zhuo Yuanyuan was very angry. "Now that you know your job is hard, did you read and listen carefully before?" I can find you an easy job that sits in an office and calculates.can you do it? "

"I can't make an offer, but what's so hard about being a salesman?"

"Did you earn this job on skill?" You're threatening someone. "

The siblings had a quarrel in the street.Ji Feixue tried to persuade them to quarrel.Unexpectedly, Ji Feiyun pulled them to the door and said in surprise, "Sister, why are you here?"

Hehe, if she didn't come, wouldn't the eldest brother be bullied to death by Zhuo Yuanxia?

It was only later that Ji Feixue understood: "Brother Zhuo, did you call him?"

Ji Feiyun grabbed her. "Sister, stop playing. Zhuo Yuanxia doesn't know how to treat people well. You really need to soften your heart and agree to her to come to work. Asking God is easier than sending God."


"We owe brother Zhuo a favor, not her. She really wants to take advantage of this. Do you think an honest person like brother Zhuo will still work here?" Ji Feiyun smiled. "He's our chef now. I can't bear to let him go. Don't worry. He'll handle it."

Only then did Ji Feishuang give up this idea, instead of chasing him, he persuaded him to fight.

Zhuo Yuanyuan scolded Wu Xiang severely, saying that she was so angry that she shook hands with Wu Xiang and left: "Let's go, making donkey liver is my kindness. Don't think that I will take care of your business in the future!"

She was so rude, her hand hit Zhuo Yuanyuan's wound.

Na Zhuo Yuanyuan was in pain, frowning as he watched her leave.If you have such a sister, you will be angry sooner or later!

Seeing that she hit the wound, Ji Feishuang hurried over, "Is the wound open?"

The ribbon literally bleeds when I roll up the sleeves.

After being discharged from the hospital, he took hemostatic drugs, but Zhuo Yuanyuan locked them in the dormitory. "That's good. I'll go back and get some medicine."

How to change dressing with one hand?Ji Feixue was very worried and followed him back to the dormitory.

"Really not." Zhuo Yuanyuan was used to dealing with everything alone.It was really weird coming here with a girl out of the blue.

(End of this chapter)

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