Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 435 He tried his best!

Chapter 435 He tried his best!

Ji Feiyun knew that he was a burden, but he couldn't wait and tried his best.

For Nan Yongpeng, obedience to his family is the greatest help.Ji Feishuang was kidnapped.If she disappeared again, would the Ji family still be alive?
"Then... take these wealth away." Ji Feiyun lowered his head aggrievedly.Laifu still remembers the taste of her sister.Maybe he can help. "It's a pity that she is worse than a dog now.

Nan Yongpeng did not refuse and watched her enter the house.

It's quiet around the credit union.Nan Yongpeng searched with a flashlight, and stopped by the electric pole.

There is a symbol on the pole.This thread is still new.Nan Yongpeng thought it looked familiar.He seems to have seen it somewhere.The military should use it for emergency communications.

He thought about it in his heart, and then walked to the intersection he guessed.Sure enough, he saw a new marker a few hundred meters away.

It seems that the kidnappers really set their sights on the credit union.Zhuo Yuanyuan found the clue and didn't have time to inform him.

The whole family walked around anxiously like ants on a hot pot.

Gao Lanxiang was so anxious that she felt uncomfortable.She couldn't hold back her tears as she thought of her eldest brother still not knowing how to live or die.

The atmosphere in the home is solemn.The wall clock ticks every minute and second, and then makes a "dong" sound, which is particularly harsh in the dark.

"I found it." A voice suddenly came from outside: "I found it!"

Ji Feiyun hurriedly jumped up, and hurried out. "Have you found my sister yet?"

It's Brother Long. "No, we have a suspect."

"Who is it?" Ji Feiyun said sternly, "Where is it?" The robbery and kidnapping were probably the same group.They kidnapped for ransom because they didn't get the money.

"There is a man named Cao Laogou in Shiba Village. He was a dawdler in his early years. A few years ago he broke into the commune's warehouse to steal food. He only came out a year ago. After he came out, he went back to his old job soon. .”

Cao Laogou didn't know Tian Jingwen on the surface, but they both came out of the same prison.That means they're probably getting old and familiar there.

On top of that, he has been very active during this time, and he is often visited by people.Birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together, a swarm of bugs and fleas can hold back any good fart.

Better to have news than to wait.If Ji Shuxing was tied up by him, we will find out.

Ji Feilong went out with a flashlight, but Chaiba Village was not Brother Long's territory.He can't break the traffic rules.Ma Tong told him the approximate location of Cao Laogou's house.

Ji Shuxing wanted to go with him, but Ji Feilong was worried. "Dad, you stay home to take care of your mom and sister. I will ask more friends to come with me. I won't be affected."


before dawn
The dilapidated thatched huts on the mountain swayed in the yellow candlelight.

Ji Feishuang was tied behind his back to a pillar, his eyes were covered with a cloth, and his mouth was stuffed with rags.

There was a sleepy man by the door, snoring intermittently, and peanut shells were scattered on the table.

The mountains are silent.After the earthquake, Ji Feishuang had already calmed down. She wrung her hands silently, trying to pull out the rope.

The rope was tied tightly.Her wrists were frayed and bleeding profusely.She was sweating profusely in pain, but she clenched her teeth and dared not make a sound.

There were footsteps in the distance, and she pretended to be asleep in a panic.

The security guard soon woke up, opened the door and said, "Why are you back so late? I'm starving." The dilapidated place was cold and cloudy.Mountain winds can freeze the dead.

"Hey, has the Ji family raised any money?"

"Yes, I saw they got it from the credit union."

The security guard complained while eating.He said he would tie the small one on.How can he tie the big one? "

"Eat your meal. What are you talking about?" Who doesn't know that small is valuable, but she's more compact than a monkey.It is not easy to tie, so she can only tie the big one.

If linked to a small gang, the estimated ransom could be as high as 5.

Anyway, as long as you can get 3 yuan in Liming, you don't have to worry about eating spicy food and drinking spicy food in the future.

Seeing his accomplice eating intently, then his eyes fell on Ji Feishuang.The big ones are not as good as the small ones, but this woman is really beautiful.Her face is very white, and her skin is tender and tender.She can squeeze out water.She should have chest and waist.Her legs are long and thin
His heart was itching because I couldn't stop thinking about it.

He looked at his companion. "How about it?"

The man doesn't understand, "we haven't got the money yet".

(End of this chapter)

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