Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 436 You are quite capable of tossing around!

Chapter 436 You are quite capable of tossing around!

"Whether we get the money tomorrow or not, we have to" he made a neck rubbing gesture. "It's a rich family, not your average old lady. Wouldn't you like to have a taste?" As long as we can make sure we get the money at 6, we have to work at 8.

If he said that, he wouldn't be impressed.She's going to die anyway, so it's better to make them happy before she dies.It's not worth starving and freezing in this cold hell.

Halfway through eating, he put down the lunch box and walked towards Ji Feixue.

Ji Feixue was trembling all over, struggling with fear: "Mmmmmmmmmmmm..."

They both laughed.They broke the law.Are you afraid to add another one?

As long as she gets things done, the police will never catch her.

"Shout, I'll make you shout louder later."

They both couldn't help it.The monkey cut the rope that bound Ji Feixue, grabbed her by the hair, and dragged her to the ground.

"Hmm..." Ji Feishuang was so frightened that he kicked his hands and feet.

"Smelly girl, you are quite capable of tossing around." The man slapped her across the face and said, "Quickly press her feet."

His face hurt so badly that the cloth over his mouth was knocked off.Ji Feixue struggled desperately, "Ah... help, help..."

The man reached out and grabbed her neck.He slapped her again and tore her clothes.

Ji Feishuang struggled desperately, but her hands and feet were all suppressed, "Ah..."

She let out a heart-piercing sound in despair.

There was a bang, and there was a loud bang overhead.

Then came the sound of fighting.The candle on the table fell to the floor.The straw was burned.Combined with the dry and howling winter winds, the flames sprang up.

Ji Feishuang's spirit has collapsed, her clothes have been torn, and her pants have been taken off.She was lying on the ground like a walking corpse, even a figure of a person hit the side, she didn't feel the gurgling blood oozing out.

The angry Zhuo Yuanyuan took off his coat and put it on for Ji Feixue.He unfastened the cloth from her face.His voice trembled: "Fei Shuang, it's okay, it's okay..."

Ji Feishuang's consciousness is chaotic.Under the light of the hunting fire, Kong Kong's pupils cast a blurred shadow, "Ah..."

She suddenly went crazy, waving her hands wildly, "Let go of me, help, help..."

Na Zhuo Yuanyuan was punched several times by her, and her hands tightly pinched her shoulders.He said fiercely: "Ah, it's me!"

In a trance, Ji Feishuang regained his sanity.When she saw who was in front of her, she burst into tears. "Brother Wu."

Ji Feixue jumped up in fright, and hugged Zhuo Yuanyuan tightly.Her body was shaking.

The fire in the house was getting hotter and hotter.The wooden beam fell down with fire, almost hitting Na Zhuo Yuanyuan.

The thick smoke kept choking people.Ji Feishuang was already shrouded in fear, and she lost control of her body.

Nazhuo took a deep breath, closed his eyes, picked her up, put on his pants, wrapped Chunguang's upper body with his coat, and carried her out
As soon as the two people rushed out of the fire, the burned thatched hut collapsed in the fire.

The wind is cold and the mountain road is rough.The flashlight was lost in the fight.It was pitch black all around.

Na Zhuo Yuanyuan was afraid of falling on Ji Feishuang, so he walked very slowly.

The mountain wind continued to howl, and my shoulders felt cool.After settling down, Zhuo Yuanyuan found out that Ji Feixue was crying.

How scary!
No girl can accept what just happened.Nazhuo Yuanyuan didn't know how to comfort her.The old genius said clumsily: "Feishuang, nothing happened. Don't think about it. They will be punished."

The annoyance in her heart is indescribable.If he had arrived earlier, she would not have been insulted.Although the two animals were not allowed to succeed, how could her wound heal easily?

(End of this chapter)

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