Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 446 Did You Sleep Well Yesterday?

Chapter 446 Did You Sleep Well Yesterday?

After knocking on the door, Ji Feiyun poked his head in and saw that Ji Feishuang had already got up and made the quilt.

"Sister, did you sleep well yesterday?" Be careful that the dirt stuck in your throat.

"Okay." No dreaming.

Ji Feiyun was secretly happy and put the breakfast on the table. "Sister, I specially made breakfast for you. You can eat it while it's hot."

"Feiyun, don't do it for me in the future." Ji Feixue originally planned to do it himself.Unexpectedly, she got up earlier than herself and sent the letter all the way.What if she hits?
"I want to give it to my sister."

With a stone hanging in his heart, Ji Feiyun bounced back to Xiaobailou, thinking about what Nan Yongpeng would make for himself for breakfast.Anyway, he's a good craftsman.She loves everything he does.

When he came back, Nan Yongpeng was already eating.

Ji Feiyun walked into the kitchen.Well, where's the breakfast?

Look around, no, look around, no.

She walked out dissatisfied and grabbed Nan Yongpeng's handcuffs. "Yongpeng, where's my meal?"

Nan Yongpeng was surprised. "Haven't you eaten?"

"No." Ji Feiyun swallowed after smelling the smell of pork powder. "I want to eat this too."

"Yes." Nan Yongpeng continued to eat without giving her half.

Ji Feiyun continued to remind him: "I want to eat this too."

"Yes." After drinking the last sip of soup, he washed the dishes and went upstairs.

Ji Feiyun was stunned: "..." What does this mean!
I felt wronged, but when Ji Feiming came back today, his mood was not affected at all.

Well, it's just breakfast.She can't starve she's naive!

He didn't do it.Of course, someone did it for her.Ji Feiyun went to the noodle shop to eat.

She ran to the bus station and waited for her son to come back.

After waiting for more than an hour, she saw a shadow come out with a bag.She looked at it more than once before she was sure, "Second brother!"

In half a year, Ji Feiming not only grew white, but also grew taller.He was wearing a black down jacket and jeans, with a light gray scarf tied around his neck.He is not only tall and long, but also full of gentle bookishness.

Wow, the soil and water in City B are really different.My brother has completely changed.

Ji Feiming followed the sound and saw a little girl in a short red padded jacket standing beside the pillar, smiling and waving to him.

"Sister?" Ji Feiming hardly recognized her.

Not only was she tall, but she was once fat, red-faced, baby fat, with a bow in her hair.

The red figure is like a gust of wind.He ran all the way over and took him in his arms. "Second brother, you are finally back."

Ji Feiming squatted down and picked her up in surprise. "Feiyun is so beautiful that Ji Feiming can't even recognize him."

"Second brother, you're even more handsome. I almost can't recognize you." Ji Feiyun touched his face and said in admiration, "Why are you so pale?"

One row at three o'clock, the school does not need to bask in the sun.It's normal when it's white.

After Ji Feiyun got acquainted with Ji Feiming, he helped him carry the bag. "Second brother, what delicious food did you bring?"

However, the bag is too heavy to move.She dragged it on the ground.

Ji Feiming was worried that the bag would be worn out.He quickly picked it up and took her hand home. "Yes, this is a specialty of City B." I knew she was greedy, so I bought it before leaving.

"Wow." Ji Feiyun was surprised.

When I left, the second phase of the commercial street was not completed, but when I came back, it was already bustling.People are coming and going on the street, doing business everywhere.

Ji Feiming was shocked beyond description.Unexpectedly, in just half a year, turning the desert into an oasis is as magical as magic.

"Sister." Ji Feilong rode a bicycle, and then sat on a big bag and a small bag full of luggage.

He saw a man holding his sister's hand in the street.He thought some jerk was trying to kidnap his sister.He frantically gave chase on his bike, dropped the car, and rushed up with his fists raised

"Second brother?" Ji Feilong was taken aback and quickly put away his fists. "you……"

Such a big change!He didn't even recognize it.

Ji Feiming was also surprised.He didn't expect everyone to change so much.Even his parents are several years younger than him.The eldest son and Ji Feixue are more elegant.

"Little sister, why don't you come to Second Brother?" Ji Feilong was jealous.

"Feilong, you always come back. What can I do for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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