Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 447: Far Smell, Near Smell!

Chapter 447: Far Smell, Near Smell!

It smells far and near.Ji Feilong was hit hard.

But this is not right.Nan Yongpeng is closer than him.If she does not come to the city for two days on a business trip, she will still pick him up at the station.

Feilong's heart broke.Everyone is a son.Why should Ji Feiming be treated differently?
On the day of Mingming's return, mother made a table full of dishes by herself, but she welcomed Ji Feiming.He's a real big guy sitting next to **.Why is no one seeing him?

"Second brother, you should eat more. You look thinner." Gao Lanxiang gave him food in pain. "Aren't these foods expensive enough?" Don't be frugal.Eat something good three times a day. "

"That's enough. The school subsidy is still there."

"Your body is your own. You should eat enough and wear warm clothes." Reading is really helpful.I have only been out for half a year.I am a different person.I am full of intellectuals.It is completely different from the style of rural crops.

Gao Lanxiang was so proud of her old mother that she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"Mom, I've lost weight too." Ji Feilong was very unconvinced, he asked his mother: "Can I raise some pocket money next year?"

Faced with Ji Feilong's request, Gao Lanxiang's eyes widened: "What pocket money do you want?"

Ji Feilong, "..." He is also a human being with dignity, okay?

"Why do I need pocket money to eat in my cafeteria every day?" How did you do in this exam?If you don't make progress, I won't break your leg! "

The two sons sat together and looked at each other.Gao Lanxiang became impatient with Ji Feilong's child and kept knocking on the door.

In the end, Ji Feiyun felt sorry for him, and couldn't bear to change the subject: "Mom and Dad, where are we going to celebrate the New Year this year?"

Gao Lanxiang didn't even think about it. "it's here."

"Aren't we going back to the village for the New Year?" Ji Feiyun was surprised. "Uncle Shuchang and his family are going home for the New Year. It will be lonely here. It's not fun at all."

"What's the good of going back to the village?" There are a lot of red-eyed monsters.Besides, we have no place to live. "How do you live in three rooms for eight people? It takes time to clean up the rags. It's nice to live in a concrete room."

Ji Shuxing wanted to go back, but he knew his daughter-in-law was unwilling.Now that his youngest daughter brought it up, he hastened to cheer himself up. "Just two beds, just a few days."

"Squeeze! There are no houses here." Liu Lanxiang kicked him in the dark. "Only the streets are lively during the Spring Festival. The village is very lonely."

Father is very careless.Neighbors and relatives are not allowed to move around during the Spring Festival.The seven aunts and seven aunts are all good gossips.There is no taboo to speak.They expose people's scars and rub salt in their wounds.

How can Ah Yu go back now?You won't be overwhelmed with spittle.

Ji Feilong was also unwilling to go back. "Sister, it's great to spend the New Year here. You can eat and drink."

Not only him, but even the boss, Ji Feiming, and Ji Feixue were unwilling to go home.Nan Yongpeng didn't care.

Five to two, Ji Feiyun was clearly at a disadvantage.

"But I want to go back." There was no expression on her face. "New Year's is too long. Why don't we celebrate New Year's on both sides? Anyway, we have a car. Anyone who wants to go back can go back anytime."

Feilong was thinking, when did my sister get so close to the clay figurines in the village?

"Mom, since my sister wants to go back, let's go back." Ji Feishuang knew that Gao Lanxiang was worried about herself.While gossip is scary, it has to be dealt with sooner or later.Escaping is not the way out. "It's an atmosphere of family and friends coming together for the new year. If the village is boring, you can always come back."

Seeing what Ji Shuxing said, neither Ji Feiming nor Ji Feixue objected.

At the end of the year, the picture is the Spring Festival.Gao Lanxiang did not continue to object. "You can go back and get back the TV you bought at the time."

It's very expensive, but it's also the son-in-law who is filial to his family.This is the first electric motor in the village.She wants those who used to look down on her family to see what the Ji family is like now.

This is a bad habit in the countryside.This cannot be blamed on Gao Lanxiang's showing off.After all, New Years is a time for comparisons to see who earns more throughout the year.

In addition, she wanted everyone to know that Nan Yongpeng was the darling of the Ji family, and all the girls in the village who missed him died early.Feiyun is still young.As a mother, she had to give this pit to her daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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