Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 480 Let me see who dies first!

Chapter 480 Let me see who dies first!
Tian Weidong was startled when he saw it, and rushed up angrily: "Tian Weidong, if my sister loses even one hair, I will kill your whole family!"

"Come on." Tian Weidong shook the syringe in his hand, "I'll see who dies first!"

Looking at his sister's pale face, his tears kept falling.Ji Feilong was too angry to move forward. "You son of a bitch, let my sister go"

A group of people soon gathered in the street, and the thin monkey ran to report the news.

Ji Shuxing and the others put down their work and hurried over.

The police officer from the police station rushed over earlier, saw that he was out of control, and immediately comforted him.Tian Weidong, calm down.Stop breaking the law.calm down. "

After the police station received a call from the municipal hospital, they knew that Tian Weidong had knocked out the nurse and fled. Things were bad.

His disease is still under investigation.Experts in the provincial capital found that his symptoms were very similar to a certain disease abroad in the past few years, and they were even basically confirmed.However, another verification is required.The disease is mainly transmitted through blood, body fluids, and sex.

Looking at the syringe in his hand, the policeman's heart hangs.

Tian Weidong went crazy, "I'm dead. What do you think?"

"There is the best hospital in the province. Your illness can be cured. Don't go to extremes." The policeman tried his best to reassure him, reaching for the gun in his pocket. "Also, the tomb you stole is just an ordinary tomb. It has no archaeological value. It may take up to a year and a half of labor reform. But if you want to kill a child, you should be shot. You should think carefully."

"It's dawn, it's dawn..." Jing Junling cried and squeezed into the crowd, "Stop doing stupid things."

She came here specifically to inquire about her son's situation, but as soon as she entered the police station, she heard the sound of her son kidnapping the child on the street.

Suddenly, Lao Xu and several colleagues rushed to rescue and took her away.Knowing that her son was sick and hospitalized while in detention, Jing Junling took the opportunity to abscond and murder for revenge.

This is different from dealing with the Ji family, but it cannot take people's lives.With tears on her face, Jing Junling walked forward excitedly: "Tomorrow, you listen to your mother and don't make mistakes again. It's just that you are sick. Mom will find a way to cure you."

"Mom, don't come here!" Tian Weidong pulled Ji Feiyun back. "They lied to you. I can't be cured."

Seeing his fierce eyes, Jing Junling didn't dare to step forward: "No, it will definitely be cured."

"Mom, I'm not reconciled. Why do other people sell blood? Why should I die?"

Jing Junling was hit by five lightnings.Sure enough, it was caused by selling blood.I persuaded him for a long time, but Xu Qingqing's vixen was bleeding.He not only sells it in hospitals, but also sells it in Dr. Tu's black clinic.He even dared to sell it three or four times a day after drinking salt water.No matter how good his body was, it was hollowed out.

She hated Ji Feiyun, and even more hated Xu Qingqing!
Tian Weidong did not relax because of Jing Junling's arrival.Instead, he's more extreme and twisted, feeling like everyone is against him.

What did he do wrong?Why is he sick when others are fine.

I don't want to hear any bullshit.It's all lies!He should not have been dragged to the provincial capital.He observes various blood samples every day.

Tian Weidong's body was already very weak, and Ji Feiyun's weight was not light either.Tian Weidong's body could no longer support her, his hands were shaking and slipping.

He didn't want to delay any longer, quickly took the syringe in his hand, and quickly plunged into Jiangyun Fort

The sweat on his forehead turned into tears, Tian Weidong couldn't help blinking.

Accompanied by the screams around, Tian Weidong's wrist suddenly felt a sharp pain, and the syringe flew out of his hand
Nan Yongpeng knocked on the stone.Unlike the members of the Ji family, some were angry and helpless, some collapsed and begged. He stood quietly among the crowd closest to Tian Weidong, watching Ji Feiyun struggle and cry.His eyes darkened.

The moment the syringe fell, Nan Yongpeng rushed forward with an arrow, grabbed Ji Feiyun with thunderous momentum, and hit Tian Weidong in the chest at the same time.

Tian Weidong fell a few steps and stood up unsteadily.

Lao Xu and others saw this trend and wanted to give him some color.Unexpectedly, he suddenly took out a sharp knife and slashed at the crowd frantically.

It is easy to see exciting scenes.Those standing very close have no time to flee.There were screams one after another.

An old lady was so frightened that she forgot to hold her head and run for her life.A sharp knife flashed coldly and scratched her neck.

"Bang!" A loud noise.

"Ah..." The crowd dispersed.

The sharp knife fell to the ground with a clatter, and the stalk-like corpse also fell to the ground, and soon blood gushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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