Chapter 481 My Son...

Jing Junling's pupils suddenly dilated, and she rushed up frantically, with a tearing voice in her throat: "Weidong, Weidong, my son..."

Ji Feiyun looked at her voice, but Nan Yongpeng retracted his head and tightly covered his chest. "do not look."

One shot killed him, hitting him directly in the head, and blood spattered into the street.

"Yong Peng".Ji Feiyun put his arms around Nan Yongpeng's neck, shaking with fright.Crystal tears flowed down, and he began to cry.

Nan Yongpeng lowered his voice to comfort her: "It's okay."

I know how to cry.I'm not that scared.I saw the right timing but she was smart enough to leave her body as soon as she cried or the needle would go in.

It is not stupid to know how to confuse the enemy with tears.

Lu Yuan just wanted to see if she was hurt.Gao Lanxiang rushed up and hugged her.She kept shaking, "Honey, where did she hurt?"

"Mom, cry..."

"Dad, cry..."

People from the Ji family surrounded him and quickly pushed Nan Yongpeng out.Ji Feiyun held Nan Yongpeng's arm
Tian Weidong was shot and fell to the ground.Jing Junling held him in her arms and began to cry.The police station pulled out the cordon for on-site processing.

Ji Feiyun calmed down and looked around for the tonic that he bought at a huge price, but he didn't know who got it.

If Tian Weidong wanted to die, she would not leave.She will lose a lot.

With lingering fear, Gao Lanxiang took her daughter home.Tian Weidong paid 1000 yuan to make him look better when he died.He's a dog in a frying pan..."

She scolded the boss, told the boss to pick wormwood and boil water, and asked the younger daughter to wash from head to toe to drive away bad luck.

After the shower, I double check on my daughter.I was relieved she wasn't hurt. "Come and drink a bowl of ginger soup and brown sugar water."

When Lao Xu came over, it was almost dark.

He came to take down the victim's notes and felt lucky to learn that Ji Feiyun was not injured.

Lu Yuan's eyes are poisonous.He reacts quickly when in danger.His technical and psychological qualities are not simple.

"Uncle Wang, why did he kill me?" Ji Feiyun's face was full of fear, and tears rolled in his eyes.

Old Xu simply explained that Tian Weidong knew that he was not going to be sick for long, he was narrow-minded, extreme, and had the idea of ​​revenge on society.

The institute still has a lot to deal with.I'm going to Tian's house in a while.Old Xu said a few words of comfort and left.

For the second half of Ji Feiyun's life, his feet were cold and his whole body was listless.In the evening, under the coaxing of the whole family, he only ate half a bowl of rice.

He went upstairs and held Nan Yongpeng in his arms.

Nan Yongpeng is not a comforter.He suppressed his emotions and gently stroked Ji Feiyun's head. "Do you dare to go out and run alone?"

Someone puffed his head and said, "I dare not."


The son, who grew up on a handful of feces and urine, said he would die if he didn't, and the police station even seized the body.

Jing Junling cried and ran around the police station, crying and laughing like a madman.

The criminal endangered the lives of others.In order to protect the masses, the police opened fire in time.The director thought there was no problem, but it was the dead man, so he sent a mediator to persuade him, and after some explanations, Jing Junling was sent away.

Jing Junling lost her soul and walked home like a walking dead.

It was dark when she came back.The light was on in Xu Qingqing's room, and she had just finished taking a shower.She was wearing thin pajamas.She sits at the table and puts cream on her face.A strong aroma wafted out.

She seems to be in a good mood.She wasn't worried about Tian Weidong who was caught by the police at all.Her mouth followed the out-of-key tune from time to time.

Jing Junling walked into the empty dark room like a ghost with legs made of lead, and sat blankly.

The tears ran dry, and Jing Junling couldn't cry anymore.

There was a sudden commotion outside the hospital, followed by Xu Qingqing's surprised voice: "Dad, why are you back?"

The two whispered for a long time, and Xu Qingqing laughed from time to time.

Tian Jingwen went back to the room, turned on the light and saw Jing Junling, he was so frightened that he couldn't stay out of his mind: "You...why are you here?"

Jing Junling thought for a while, then moved her chapped lips. "This is my home. Where am I when I'm not here?"

Tian Jingwen's eyes sunken. "I mean, why didn't you turn on the light when you came back?" Did she hear what he said to Xu Qingqing just now?

"Turn on the light?" Jing Junling asked, "Have you paid the electricity bill?"

"You..." Tian Jingwen couldn't open his face, and sat on the edge of the bed. "Opening your mouth is money. Can't you just say something else?"

"What do you want me to say?" Jing Junling stared at him. "You took Weidong away. When will you bring him to see me?"

"He..." Tian Jingwen's face was stiff and his expression was unnatural. "It's no big deal. He'll be released soon."

(End of this chapter)

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