Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 490 The Ji Family Doesn't Need Compensation.

Chapter 490 The Ji Family Doesn't Need Compensation.

Ji Feiyun didn't know that after the Cao family found out that the money was lost, they cried and scolded their parents.Old dog Cao is dead.Thinking of his contribution to the family before he died, the mother and son took the body back to bury him.

At present, the case has not been closed, and Cao Laogou's crimes have not been made public.Many relatives came, and people from the village also came to help.

The money is well hidden.I touched it this morning.Who knows how to lose it.

Everyone at the Bai family banquet was suspected, but the Cao family did not dare to confess or call the police.They could not explain where the money came from.

Waiting to build a house and marry a wife, the Cao family was unwilling.They even suspected that this was the plan of the Ji family's envoys, but they couldn't see it.Old dog Cao is dead.The kidnapping case has been solved.Not to mention that no evidence was found, even if there was evidence, the Ji family would not admit it.

Jiao Chunying couldn't take it anymore and went to the police station to seek justice.Lao Cao fell ill because he was bitten by Ji's dog.This is a person's life.How can we live like orphans and widows?The Ji family must compensate us! "

Old Xu said sternly: "We asked the veterinarian to take a look. Ji's dogs are not crazy, and they have been vaccinated. Besides, these people are the first people to commit crimes. It is normal for dog guardians to bite people. Ji's family No compensation is required."

Jiao Chunying's heart was filled with grief and indignation.Regardless of face, he angrily reprimanded at the police station: "You are protecting the Ji family and the rich."

"You can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk freely." Old Xu looked serious. "You know how many dogs he beat secretly. You didn't eat less dog meat."

Xiao Chen took out Cao Laogou's confession, "Look, this is what he confessed during his lifetime. In recent years, he has beaten 18 dogs and been bitten 5 times."

I don't know if this ignorant person died under the dog's teeth in the end.

"It's all fake. Lao Cao didn't kidnap him. You were the one who induced the confession." Not only did he score no points, he was also accused of kidnapping.Cao Laogou passed away peacefully.How does an orphan and widow live?

Jiao Chunying completely broke down and jumped forward excitedly to tear up her confession. "It's not like this, it's not like this!"

They pushed her to the ground, and Xiao Chen slapped the handcuffs on the table. "The police station is not a place where you can do whatever you want. Believe it or not, I'm going to arrest you."

Jiao Chunying was very scared.Suddenly, her mouth trembled and turned purple.She couldn't even utter a word.

Those who kill a thousand swords, those who kill a thousand swords, how will they live in the future!
Ji Feiyun filled the gap and took her fourth brother to the credit union to save up.

When she came back, she slipped into Nan Yongpeng's room in fear, and secretly put the passbook back.

Just turned around and hit a thick wall.

Ji Feiyun touched his nose and found that Nan Yongpeng's face was gloomy, looking down at her.

"Hehe, hehe..." Ji Feiyun pretended to be dead, and hugged him seductively. "Where have you been?" I was looking for you. "

Nan Yongpeng opened the drawer, took out the passbook and said, "Explain."

Ji Feiyun's mouth was stiff when he cooked the duck, "I just want to see."

Nan Yongpeng snorted, I'm afraid she is not a fool.There are deposit and withdrawal records.Is he a fool?

None of this can be explained.Ji Feiyun began to be arrogant, with his hands on his hips, looking unruly. "Why, I can't move half of the money?" I can take whatever I want, and save whatever I want.Any questions? "

Nan Yongpeng refused to accept this speed and rogue face.Just accept her!

She treats him like a fool.She didn't know what she was doing behind his back.

"Sister, come down to eat." Ji Feilong shouted from downstairs: "I want to set off firecrackers."

Today is the Lantern Festival.The Ji family deliberately ate early.After eating the fourth child's food, they had to go back to school.School officially starts tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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