Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 492 You can give it a try.

Chapter 492 You can give it a try.

Nan Yongpeng was not in a hurry to express his opinion, "You can give it a try."

They went to the market to buy spices and went to the kitchen to stir them.

By night, six or seven batches had been made.Even the hair is smoky, like grilled chicken with salt.I couldn't taste it with my mouth, so I had to take it out for others to taste.

Big Brother is a foodie.He knew from his mouth, "The taste is weak, not as fresh as before, but it's not bad."

Whether it is good or bad is up to the individual to decide.We should put it on the market and test it to see if consumers accept it.

Water baked food is ready in no time.The next day, I made two jars and sold them in the mall.They are put together the old way.Compare the prices.

Don't underestimate the allure of the price.After tasting this new variety, many guests decisively chose the cheaper one.

Xiaohang went to deliver the goods, and specially asked for a few small pieces of chicken feet to start a new round of marketing.

Sales of new varieties have been on the rise for the past few days.

To have a good business, you must have a variety of varieties.Ji Feiyun is serious about opening the factory.The factory covers a large area and the varieties of roasted salt are limited.However, there are many varieties of brine, and the spiced and spicy must be boiled slowly.

To become bigger and stronger, we must develop vertically and horizontally to resist risks.

Ji Feiyun wanted to make noodles, and the Grain Research Institute was his supplier.Of course, these are not ordinary noodles, but colorful vegetable noodles.They come in different shapes and come in a variety of flavors.They look fresh and delicious.

She has too many ideas and the noodles are unprofessional.Nan Yongpeng was unwilling to work, so he handed them over to Na Zhuo Yuanyuan.

You can't get fat all at once.step by step.

In addition to the food factory, Ji Feiyun also began to have the idea of ​​a bungalow.Tangshui is not easy to sell in this season, and no employees are willing to get up at three or four in the morning to make buns.In addition, there are too many shops in the commercial street, and many businesses are robbed.

In order to make the street prosperous, only three shops were opened.Now there is no flow problem.She plans to combine fast food with breakfast and close the sugar shop directly.When the weather is hot, she can set up a stall at the entrance of the mall.

"Can you do building materials business?"

Hearing Nan Yongpeng's proposal, Ji Shuxing and his wife were very surprised.

As the spokesperson of Jiang Yunbao, Nan Yongpeng was not too emotional. “There are massive construction projects everywhere now. Building materials are in demand. Most of the exterior work is done by your uncle.”

Ji Shuxing nodded and said, "Yes." Many people came to ask where they could buy materials.

"We have a stable relationship with suppliers. We have an advantage over others in supply and price. We can open our own shop and sell cement, steel bars and red bricks. The business will not be too bad."

This reminds Ji Shuqing and his wife why they don't use this resource?What others don't get is the best money.

Nan Yongpeng is really smart.He can try it first.If he can't sell at that time, he can also be used in the construction team.

Seeing the approval of his parents, Ji Feiyun couldn't help laughing.

Nan Yongpeng dug her out.

Lao Jiang just found another job.His boss is still inquiring about building materials.Gao Lanxiang couldn't help but want to sell building materials.Selling building materials may also lead to construction jobs.

"Your father and I both went out to work. Who can take care of our shop?" Nan Yongpeng and his juniors are in the second semester of high school, so they need to focus on the college entrance examination.

Ji Feiyun has a plan. "Mom, Dad, it's nice to be in control of the outside world."

Gao Lanxiang was stunned. "No, no, no, it's okay if I work hard. Where can I set up shop?"

"Why not?" Ji Shuxing was very confident in his daughter-in-law. "You have been in elementary school for several years, and you can do simple arithmetic."

"I learned it decades ago, but I lost it long ago."

"I think it's good for you to manage this team of handymen. Everyone's hourly wages are not bad." At the same time, Ji Shuxing did not forget to fight the army. "What did you just say?" He said that Guaibao dared to do business when he was six years old.I am a big man, afraid of hands and feet.Now it's your turn, why are you afraid? "

Ji Feiyun covered his mouth and smiled.His mother is a person with double standards.

Husband and wife love each other, work is not tiring.Ji Shuxing was really optimistic about Gao Lanxiang. "What are you afraid of?" Nan Yongpeng was watching.Will we still lose money? "A few years ago, I helped others get some materials. Although it was only a drop in the bucket compared with Nan Yongpeng, I made a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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