Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 537 Are you so spoiled?

Chapter 537 Are you so spoiled?
Ji Feiyun came down from the second floor and shouted, "Nan Yongpeng, I don't want to eat pork feet noodles. I want fried dumplings."

Nan Yongpeng walked into the kitchen and mixed noodles and ribs.

Zhao Yufei was stupid, "Is Nan Yongpeng so spoiled with her?" What kind of relationship is this so indulgent.If only his children loved to eat and play!
Zhuo Yuanyuan said vaguely: "It's nothing. Nan Yongpeng is busy with the college entrance examination, so he hasn't cooked for a while. Occasionally."

Mother Zhuo and Zhuo Yuanxia came early.Zhuo Yuanyuan introduced his comrades in arms, and then asked Wu Xiang to help in the kitchen.He went out to pick up other comrades in arms.

Zhuo Yuanxia turned around and walked out.Quan thought he was a master and interrupted Tian Ruilong's conversation.

When someone talked, she would intervene, so that several comrades in arms would not have the opportunity to talk about the man's private affairs.

Duan Fan frowned.The girl said she was Lao Wu's sister.Why is there such a big difference?When I get acquainted with you, I ask people where do they work, what is their job title, how much do they make?

And her attitude is weird.She is indifferent to Zhao Hongqi, but warm to Zhao Yufei and Tian Ruilong.

Tian Ruilong felt that she discriminated against the disabled, spoke imprudently, and was not likable.

Seeing Ji Feixue coming down, Tian Ruilong took a chance to slip away.Haruyuki was his favorite.

The other three comrades-in-arms are all in the surrounding counties and cities.They set off at dawn, thinking they could spend more time together.

Everyone chatted enthusiastically.When Nazhuo Yuanyuan was away, Zhao Yufei collected money from several people.

When changing jobs, those with household registration or connections stay in the provincial capital.Most people from remote areas are not assigned good jobs and they don't earn a lot of money to support their families.

Thinking of my mother's illness and the difficulties of my comrades-in-arms, everyone charged a symbolic five yuan, and no one wanted to charge more.Zhao Yufei and Tian Ruilong made up all the money in private, making up 200 yuan.

Knowing Zhuo Yuanyuan's temper, Zhao Yufei gave it to Wu Ma while he was not paying attention.

After the dumplings were fried, Ji Feiyun invited Zhao Yufei and his friends to taste them.He knew the other three had come earlier.They ate breakfast on the way.

She took out pan-fried dumplings. "My eldest brother, Nan Yongpeng's cooking is delicious. You all have to try it."

Tian Ruilong is the instructor of this training camp.He deals with people every day.His eloquence is not very good.He soon learned that Ji Feixue was going to take the exam at Yangcheng University. "Sister Feixue, Yangcheng University is really good, and it's not far from our station. Come on, take the exam. When you come to Yangcheng, I'll treat you to dinner. I'm a Yangcheng Tong, so there's nothing I'm not familiar with. I'll bring You look around."

Zhuo Yuanxia squeezed over. "Brother Tian, ​​how is Yangcheng?" Tell me. "

"Well, you didn't go there. I told you, you didn't understand."

Wufangfang refused. "Feixue hasn't been there either."

Zhao Yufei couldn't see what Tian Ruilong was thinking. "Feixue may not have been there, but the history of Yangcheng is in the textbooks, and the TV station has the Zhuji Channel. In addition, he plans to apply for Yangcheng University. How could he not understand?"

Zhuo Yuanxia was very depressed. She thought she had read more books in recent years.Nothing to show off.

"Who said my third sister hasn't been there?" Ji Feiyun smiled. "She has not only been to Yangcheng, but also knows Yangcheng very well. Did you watch the Spring Festival Gala last year? There was a big star singing in it. She was wearing a skirt and changing quickly at the show. It was designed by my third sister. "

Last year, Liang Yanchao's clothing factory sponsored the provincial Spring Festival Gala.Television stations demand new ideas.Liang Yanchao took the opportunity to take Ji Feixue away.

In later generations, cross-dressing is nothing new, especially skirt cross-dressing, which is carefully designed so that dancers can quickly switch while borrowing seats.

At that time, seeing that Ji Feixue was under a lot of pressure, Ji Feiyun euphemistically hinted that Ji Feixue was indeed talented, and soon realized the important point.

The show was very popular and won awards at the time, which also increased the popularity of June Garment Factory and made the business better this year.

Mother Liu looked at Ji Feixue, her eyes were rarely like a doll.

(End of this chapter)

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