Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 538 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Your House!

Chapter 538 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Your House!
"I remember the blueprint you mentioned." Tian Ruilong patted his head and said, "On New Year's Eve, we watched TV while having dinner at the camp. So it was designed by Feixue? It's scary. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon at your house !"

"No wonder you are so good at dressing up. You know how to design clothes. Didn't you design the beautiful dress your sister-in-law is wearing today?"

"No." Ji Feixue was embarrassed. "I changed it according to the size."

As soon as you open your mouth, people talk more and more.They just didn't praise Ji Feixue to the sky.Zhuo Yuanxia couldn't even enter the conversation.She was depressed as hell.

Only her face is more beautiful.She pretends to be pure and deceives men.The Taoist priest is deeper than Ji Feishuang.It's really shameless to let all the men revolve around her!

Relatives who drank the wedding wine came one after another.Although there are many people, they are all their own family members, and almost all of them are crop tricks.Many uncles and aunts came here, all of them were elders, and many of them brought their children. It was like a vegetable market.

The aunts gathered together and talked loudly about people's rights and wrongs, and their laughter was particularly harsh.

There is no common topic, a few comrades just stay in the kitchen to help, chatting while working.

There are two chefs, Nan Yongpeng and Zhao Hongqi, and the others are hardworking.The atmosphere is very harmonious.

The two sisters, Ji Feiyun, went to meet the guests.Zhuo Yuanxia said to Tian Ruilong.However, they were either busy with work or hadn't heard her.

Zhuo Yuanxia turned and left without saying anything, chatting with relatives in the hall.

Zhao Yufei blinked at Tian Ruilong. "She seems to have a crush on you. Old Wu saved you on the battlefield. It seems a good thing that you married his sister."

"Fuck you!" Tian Ruilong threw a ladle at him.

Zhao Yufei grinned. "Don't take it seriously. Old Wu is such a younger sister. What if he really spoke up?"

“I’m going to give him my life back!”

Several big men came out, and when the guests arrived, delicious dishes followed one after another.

Families from both sides sat at the same table, but there were not enough seats.Nan Yongpeng and Ji Feiyun sat at the comrade's table.Tian Ruilong took the opportunity to pull Ji Feixue over again.

It is the atmosphere that makes the wine.There are not a few people who cause trouble for the bride and groom.The elders have to toast one by one, and some people have to toast three times in a row.

Zhuo Yuanyuan couldn't afford alcohol.Moreover, he had to go back to his new house at night.

Zhao Yufei is used to drinking with people from the investment promotion office.He pressed on every step for his younger brother, resolutely stepped forward to block the drink.

Zhuo Yuanyuan was very drunk.When he walked to the comrades-in-arms table, he went to the battlefield himself and had three drinks with these brothers who had worked hard on the battlefield.He said emotionally: "Everyone, thank you for coming today. Everything is in the wine."

Affectionate, stewed in one bite.

"Brother-in-law, I also respect you." Ji Feiyun was still a child.He held the glass up on the table. "Today is a good day for you and your eldest sister. She will give it to you in the future. You should treat her well all your life."

Nan Yongpeng frowned, as if he had forgotten that he could not drink alcohol.

Remove her glass and replace it with a drink bottle. "Drink this."

Che, Nan Yongpeng is really a disappointment.

Ji Feiyun looked up, Gulu Gulu drank the whole bottle, wiped his mouth, and said seriously: "Brother-in-law, if you dare to treat my sister badly in the future, I will punish you!"

The comrades were amused by her words, but Zhuo Yuanyuan knew she was serious!
Zhuo Yuanyuan finished his drink. "Don't worry, Feishuang will be my life."

"Good!" Zhao Yufei took the lead in applauding, "Good job, real man!"

The entire audience cheered and clapped as the mood rose.

Zhuo Yuanxia's ears tingled.Brother is really confused.He is just a woman.What is his life?
Mom raised him for decades.Why didn't he say it earlier!

She glanced at her mother.She saw her mother smiling, but there was a lost light in her eyes.

Mom is like this.She always likes to be magnanimous in front of others.In fact, she cared about death.

The banquet took nearly two hours to end.The relatives wiped the smell of oil from their mouths, said congratulations, and dispersed one after another.

Zhuo Yuanyuan was so drunk that he couldn't even stand still.

It's a long way back to the province.I don't know how long it will take for us to meet.The two brothers hugged each other reluctantly.

(End of this chapter)

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