Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 539 What are you doing?

Chapter 539 What are you doing?
Zhao Yufei and Tian Ruilong divided the materials they brought back into several shares, and left one for Zhuo Yuanyuan, and the others shared equally.

Having a car is handy.Take all your comrades and send them home one by one, and finally return to the provincial capital.

Tian Ruilong rolled down the car window and waved to Ji Feixue, showing his white teeth. "Sister Feixue, don't forget to look for me when you go to the provincial capital."

Nan Yongpeng helped Zhuo Yuanyuan return to his new home and continued to write questions.

Zhuo Yuanyuan had a headache after drinking too much.He squatted in the toilet and vomited.Then he lay down on the bed and rested.

Ji Feishuang loved him very much, he wet his handkerchief and wiped his face. "I knew you'd drink less."

Seeing that she was uncomfortable, Ji Feishuang took off her shoes, untied her tie, and unbuttoned two shirts to make herself more comfortable.

Na Zhuo Yuanyuan suddenly grabbed her hand, and Ji Feishuang fell on top of him. "what are you doing?"

Drunk, he was not as steady and serious as usual, and even joked at the corner of his mouth: "You are my wife, can't you kiss me?"

"Now the day. Don't waste time."

Na Zhuo Yuanyuan refused to let her go, so he hugged her and wanted to kiss her.

"Chou Yuan, this is your comrade in arms..." Mother Zhuo pushed open the door and walked in.She saw them hug each other.Her expression was awkward.

Ji Feishuang was ashamed and didn't know where to put it.He hurriedly got down from him, “…Auntie, he’s drunk.”

"Okay, take good care of him. I'll talk about it later." Mother Zhuo turned and left, but the door didn't close.

Ji Feishuang was so anxious that she hung up her coat and did not come out until she washed her face.Zhuo Yuanyuan has fallen asleep.

Afraid Zhuo's mother would come in, Ji Feishuang didn't sleep on the bed, but rested on the table.

She also drank a lot and fell asleep quickly.

It was dusk when he woke up, and Zhuo Yuanyuan had already sobered up.

There are leftovers at noon.I packed a lot of food back.

Zhuo Yuanyuan cooked some dishes, and the family sat down for dinner.

Very quiet at the table.Zhuo Yuanxia suddenly opened her mouth while sucking on the chopsticks. "Brother, isn't your comrade-in-arms Tian Ruilong married yet?"

"Yes." I was busy entertaining guests and toasting at noon, so I didn't eat much.He gave Ji Feishuang a piece of meat and said, "Eat more."

"He looks fine. He's in good standing with the army. Can you introduce him to me?"

Zhuo Yuanyuan almost choked up, "Aren't you the one in this place?"

"I'm unemployed. My mother just won't let it go." Zhuo Yuanxia is doing well. "You two are comrades-in-arms. You only know your roots. According to his status, if we serve as soldiers, I can still join the army. In the future, I will be a member of the provincial capital."

"He has a date."

Tian Ruilong is the second generation of the army.His parents have a rich background.In another year and a half, he can be promoted to the deputy team.It's not that he can't find a wife, but that he has a good family and good eyes.Normal people don't respect him at all.

When it comes to Zhuo Yuanxia's temperament, let alone introduce, I'm afraid even my brother has no choice.

"Why is there an object?" Zhuo Yuanxia said quickly, "Aren't you married yet?"

"A few years ago, the brigade commander wanted him to be his son-in-law. He didn't even notice the girl and the military doctor."

More importantly, it humiliates me.Mother Zhuo said: "Yes, what kind of pot should match the lid. Don't think about the moon in the sky. Find someone you can catch and live a good life. Your brother is married. Now I am most worried about you. I don't want to find someone soon Family."

Big brother is just a cook.He did not marry a capitalist's daughter.He even brought his own house with him.How could she think that when it was her turn?
(End of this chapter)

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