Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 559 Are you sure there is no thief?

Chapter 559 Are you sure there is no thief?

Ji Feishuang opened the drawer.The skin care products inside are gone.Then she opened the door next door.The whole person is cold.

The watch that my second brother gave me, the necklace I bought when I got married, the salary I didn’t save two days ago, and the passbook are all gone.

When the cupboard was opened again, most of the clothes were gone, all new clothes bought by her mother's family before the wedding.

If she could bear it before, Ji Feishuang couldn't bear it this time.Wu's mother is at home all day.It is impossible for a thief to get in.Just a thief.

Zhuo Yuanxia took all her things away!

"Mom, are you sure there is no thief?" Ji Feishuang trembled with anger. "If I didn't go in and catch the thief, I'd call the police!"

Mother Zhuo's face is ugly. "Fei Shuang, what do you mean?" I'm an old woman, can't I ask for your things?At my age, I don’t even carry them anymore.What do I need your things for? "

Ji Feishuang's eyes were red with anger. "Mom, I know it's not you, but the door lock is very good and there is no sign of being picked. Could it be that a thief flew in?"

"Fei Shuang, Mom isn't feeling well. I came back at noon. I think I forgot to lock the door."

Whether it is locked or not is not the point, but things are gone.

Na Zhuoyuan thought of something, turned around and opened Na Wuxiang's room.

Mother Zhuo followed behind her.She turned to the closet and called, "Oh, those fragrant things are gone. Aren't they really stolen? Damn, I was in the room the whole time. Why didn't I hear anything? It's all mine Wrong. It's all my fault. I'm old and useless. I'm deaf and blind..."

Zhuo Yuanyuan didn't think so.He went back to his room and rummaged through his winter clothes. More than 200 wedding gifts and more than 300 of his usual savings have disappeared.

The couple's money and goods add up to 1000 yuan.

Zhuo Yuanyuan looked dignified. "Mom, did the fragrance really come back?"

Mother Zhuo said worriedly: " mean Fenfen, this is impossible. How dare she do such a thing? Feishuang suspects it is a thief, but you are Yuanxia's brother..."

"Mom, that's a scent!" Usually, no matter how sinister Zhuo's mother is, as long as she doesn't know what to do, Ji Feishuang will choose to turn a blind eye.But now, at this time, she is still prejudiced and unable to extricate herself. "You know what she did."

Mother Zhuo was like a bolt from the blue.She stared at Ji Feishuang with wide eyes. "Feishuang, I know you have a problem with me and Yuanxia. I think we have dragged the remote into the water. Usually we have to have a sense of superiority. We poor people have to endure who makes your family rich and powerful. But a stick to kill No us. What evidence do you have for saying that Yuan Xia stole your things? What happened to the money? You can’t accuse others of wronging others with empty words.”

"The perfume wore my skirt and stole my facial oil. Don't you know?" Ji Feishuang was not easy to bully. "You may not see her wearing a skirt, but there are too many people in the commercial street. Can't others see her? People come to ask me where I can buy the same skirt that Yuanxia wears."

"Hmm... I don't know. Girls these days love beauty. Besides, there are a lot of clothes on the street. You can buy things that look like what you wear. How can we say she stole from you?"

"That dress was made for me by my third sister. It is impossible to find a second one."

Mother Zhuo looked angry. "Even if she doesn't understand, you borrowed your skirt, you two are aunts, brother-in-law, and not outsiders. Is it so bad to say you steal?"

"Where's my face cream? She's used it twice. It smells so good on her face. Can't you smell it?"

"Fei Shuang, why are you being so aggressive?" You're not the only one using facial oil.She also has perfume. "

Ji Feishuang walked into Zhuo Yuanxia's room without saying a word, and took out a box of cheap and low-quality face oil that she didn't use very much. "Does it smell the same?" Xiangfang is at home every day, so you can't smell her wipes, and you can't see her entering my room? "

"" Mother Zhuo didn't expect Ji Feishuang to be so eloquent, and immediately blushed with embarrassment. "I don't know what you young people use. Remote, Feishuang wants to kill me. Don't you care? Oh, what a bad thing I did..."

Mother Zhuo clutched her chest, staggering and unable to stand still.

Na Zhuo Yuanyuan first helped her to sit down, and then dragged Ji Feishuang into the room. "Fei Shuang, calm down first. I'll take care of it."

Ji Feishuang couldn't hold back the tears, and angrily shook off his hand.

"Okay, don't be angry." Nazhuo wiped away his tears. "I'll take care of it."

(End of this chapter)

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