Chapter 560 Feel ashamed!

Ji Feishuang sat on the bed.It doesn't look stupid.

Zhuo Yuanyuan walked into the room, walked up to his mother, took a deep breath, and said in a low voice, "Mom, the family won't lose so many things for no reason. It's about 1000 yuan in total." This is not a small amount.There are also watches and wedding necklaces from Feishuang's second brother.These are very important, so Feishuang is very worried that she will get angry.Think again.Is Yuan Xia back?This is not unfair.Once the alarm is reported, it will be recorded.If Yuanxia did this, it would be an indelible stain in her life. "

After hearing this, Zhuo's mother couldn't help worrying.She thought for a while, then said, "About three or four o'clock, I thought I heard something moving in the house, but I slept like a ghost, so I didn't take it to heart. I thought I Dreaming."

She was very angry just now.Now she doesn't think it's right.She grabbed Zhuo Yuanyuan's hand and said, "Did your sister really do this? No, she is a little selfish, but she dare not do such a thing."

Zhuo Yuanyuan looked serious. "Mom, I'm afraid Yuanxia will run away."

"Yuanxia... Yuanxia?" Mother Zhuo was very frightened, she suddenly felt ashamed, "How is this possible?" Why did she run away?where did she go "

"Her room showed no signs of being turned over, but everything of value was gone. If it really was a snitch, how did it look so familiar?"

Zhuo's mother immediately panicked, "Yuan Yuan, you only have such a younger sister. If something happens to her, how can I tell your father? You can't call the police. Tell Fei Shuang, if you don't call the police, Fenfang will be destroyed. We put her Get it back. If she did it, I will punish her and make her kneel and admit her mistake."

Nazhuo comforted her remotely, "Don't worry. Think about where she might have gone?"

"Your sister doesn't have any friends. Except she gets along well with Aunt Zeng's daughter, she only has..." Zhuo's mother suddenly realized, "She is not the target. She said that the other party's parents objected. Shouldn't she elope?"

Zhuo Yuanyuan had blue veins on his forehead, and he said angrily, "Do you know the name of her partner? Who lives in that village?"

"Your sister is always very mysterious. I asked her many times, but she didn't tell me. But Aunt Zeng introduced her. She must know."

It's almost eleven o'clock.It could be elopement.

Zhuo Yuanyuan had a headache.He couldn't control the mud on the wall.He really didn't want to take care of her, but who would let her be his sister?
"You take a break first. I'll go to Aunt Zeng's house and ask."

Mother Zhuo couldn't sleep.Her eyes looked at Zhuo Yuanyuan's room, implying what should Ji Feishuang do?
At this moment, Ji Feishuang came out with something. "Mom, Remote, I'm going home."

"Feishuang, the matter hasn't been clarified yet. It's not necessarily Yuanxia. What's wrong with us? Let's make it clear in front of the gongs and drums. What do you mean by going back to your mother's house?"

"Mom, Feishuang hasn't been feeling well for the past two days. Your health is also not good. There is no way to take care of each other. I have to go find Xiangfang again, so I asked Feishuang to go home tonight." I took the bag in my hand.He took her hand and said, "I'll send Feishuang back first, and then ask Aunt Zeng. Mom, remember to lock the door."

Although going back to her mother's house sounds bad, but Ji Feishuang's situation is very special.She finally released her true feelings.If Zhuo Yuanyuan forces her to stay, she is afraid that she will suppress her character in the future.

Therefore, he would rather be punished by the Ji family than let Feishuang be wronged at home.Also, while things haven't been resolved, they have been resolved.

They go downstairs.Zhuo Yuanyuan took Ji Feishuang to the door.

(End of this chapter)

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