Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 57 This is an accident!

Chapter 57 This is an accident!
Ji Feiyun pouted in dissatisfaction, stomped his feet and said, "Yongpeng, it was Laifu who did it. It was Laifu who beat him hard."

"I see. It was an accident."

"Yes!" Ji Feiyun was very satisfied.

They lined up at the grain depot.It's their turn to buy something.Unexpectedly, a person jumped in line.

The one who jumped in line was a middle-aged woman.She was dressed in gray coarse cloth with patches.At first glance, she knew she was working in the fields.

"Comrade, I want to ask one thing."

The attitude of this grain depot is not good.In addition, Li Shuhui was sitting at the counter.Seeing her cut in line and not even call made her attitude even worse. "What's wrong?"

The middle-aged woman asked: "Does your unit recruit people?"

"No." Li Shuhui gave her a blank look. "We are an official unit. Not just cats and dogs can come in."

"No, my distant nephew has completed all the formalities. He said he would come to work in a few days."

"If I don't move, I don't move. If you don't buy something, don't stop people."

"No, my nephew's name is Tian Weidong. Please check for me again."

"I said you don't understand, do you?" Li Shuhui lost her temper. "We are a formal unit, and the recruitment is also subject to a unified examination. At least we have a college diploma."

The middle-aged woman left disheartened.

Nan Yongpeng is very assertive.

If he remembered correctly, this person was Xu Qingqing's aunt.He should have come to inquire about Tian Weidong's situation and the Xu family's news.

Because of being arrested, the Xu family had no choice but to marry Xu Qingqing to Tian Weidong.

Xu Qingqing is very beautiful and famous all over the country.The reason why he was able to see Tian Weidong last week was not because he was lazy and ignorant, but because he could go to work at the grain station through the back door.

This is an iron rice bowl, not only with high wages and good benefits, but also with housing allocation in the future.As long as she marries Tian Weidong, she will no longer be a rural person and can live a bright life in the city.

And Tian Weidong promised that when he got a firm foothold in the grain station, he would take her to work in the grain station through the back door, so he was willing to give her body to him.

Seeing Ji Feiyun, Li Shuhui immediately changed her face, and said with a smile: "Xiao Feiyun, I can't leave today, I didn't go to school. Do I go to your place for breakfast every day?"

After eating, I went back to school with my classmates.I watched them enter the school gate. "

"Thank you." Li Shuhui liked her intelligence. "My colleague's daughter is also in elementary school. She wants to send packages with you every month. Do you think breakfast and lunch would be okay?"

"Yes." Ji Feiyun smiled into crescent moons, "Do you have any flour today? My brother and I want to make buns, and we want to buy noodles."

Li Shuhui smiled and said, "Yes, I'll get you the best one."

In just a few days, several shops around the school were rented out, most of which were catering businesses.Fried noodles are the most common.Others plan to make steamed buns and dumplings.

It is foreseeable that business will be more difficult in the future.

However, Ji Feiyun is full of confidence in Nan Yongpeng.He has a talent for cooking.Other families are definitely not as good as him.

However, we cannot take it lightly.No matter how good the noodles are, they will be tiring.In order to remain invincible in the competition, we must develop new varieties in time.

After the noon peak, Ji Feiyun was going to the shopkeeper to order Nan Yongpeng to make mushroom meat buns.certainly delicious.

Who knows, Brother Black Dragon is here again.

And one last pony, threatening.

Nan Yongpeng is cutting meat.The sharp kitchen knife was stained with minced meat.He paused and looked at them coldly.

Brother Heilong has a plump body, but when Nan Yongpeng looked at him, his knees were inexplicably soft.

"Haha...ha, does Feiyun have anything to eat?"

It turned out that Brother Heilong came to eat, and what he wanted was fried rice noodles and eggs.

(End of this chapter)

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