Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 58 It's easy to walk if you have many friends!

Chapter 58 It's easy to walk if you have many friends!

Ji Feiyun stretched out his hand, but without a smile on his face, he said childishly, "An extra dime is added for the eggs. Six people cost two yuan and ten cents. I can give you the change."

He should have paid after eating, but Nan Yongpeng gave him a cold look, and Brother Heilong decided to pay first.

For a table of six, there will be six servings of chow mein in no time.

"Yeah, delicious!"

Ma Du ate voraciously, and dared to eat fried noodles for nothing.

Brother Heilong was very uncomfortable at first, but he forgot when he ate it.

Ji Feiyun poured the water back to them, then sat beside them and asked, "Brother Heilong, are you here to collect protection money?"

Brother Heilong choked with sobs and said with a smile, "Who am I going to charge for protection, I can't charge Xiao Feiyun for your protection."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Haha..." Of course, it's easier to travel if you have more friends.

In fact, Brother Heilong has a sense of crisis.Now there are many gangs.Nan Yongpeng is very good at fighting, so he has no friends.It's a waste.

Of course, he also knows that Nan Yongpeng's nobility cannot be mixed in this industry, but if he can make such a friend, he still needs to pull out to support the front at critical moments.

Taking a step back, we can't let other gangs take it away.

Nan Yongpeng was making steamed buns by his side, and he didn't bother to talk to these people.When was the girl's movie made with them?
Such gangs occupy the top of the mountain.It's not just humans who can play.They have long since gotten tired of playing in the plant world.

It's just nice to enjoy the shade under a big tree.Brother Heilong said it well.If they agree, they will cover the store in the future and make sure no one dares to bully them.

Even, they can mix seeds for other stores to ensure that Ji Feiyun's business is the best.

"Thank you for taking care of Black Dragon Brother." Jiang Feiyun blinked. "Business depends on your ability. I am not afraid of black people and evil forces, nor am I afraid of being robbed. If you think it is delicious, you can frequent it, and I will give you a discount."

Brother Heilong: "..." He knew that these two people played both soft and hard ways.

However, he has no intention of storming, let alone storming, as long as Nan Yongpeng is not recruited by others.

When Brother Heilong and the others left, Nan Yongpeng asked, "When did you get so familiar with them?"

"Naturally." Ji Feiyun smiled and said, "They are all bullying and fearful. If you can't defeat them, you can make peace. Ask him to take a step back and stop disturbing our business?"

Nan Yongpeng really didn't know what to say.

But he knew very well that there must be something Ji Feiyun and they didn't know about.

As soon as the buns were baked, Li Pingan came over: "I asked Xiao Feiyun, is there any news about the Polygonum multiflorum I want?"

"I have news soon. I'll give it to you in two days." Ji Feiyun asked him to sit down and brought meat buns. "Try it out".

The meat buns were juicy and beautiful.Li Pingan scalded his tongue and gave her a thumbs up. "You two have a really good hand. No wonder business is so good."

"Uncle, he doesn't even have time to cook. Why don't you order three meals a day in our store?"

Li Pingan: "..." This girl's movie is on his head.

"Well, even if I improve his uncle's food."

Li Pingan readily paid the deposit, and did not forget to tell him: "He Shouwu wants second-hand goods. Customers don't need money. You can't smash my brand."

"Don't worry, make sure you have a light on your face."

Nan Yongpeng was very surprised and planned to see how she replaced these second-hand goods.

In the evening, Gao Lanxiang made irresponsible remarks at the dinner table: "Lao Ji, the Xu family brought brothers to the door and beat Lao Tian's family to pieces."

Tian Shuchang just mediated in the morning, why did he fight again in the afternoon? "

(End of this chapter)

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