Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 59 Xu Qingqing is a broken shoe!

Chapter 59 Xu Qingqing is a broken shoe!

"Something happened to the Tian family." Gao Lanxiang was too happy to speak. "Tian Weidong is no longer human. In order to sleep, Xu Qingqingqin even made up a relative to go through the back door and asked him to work in the grain station."

Ji Shuxing didn't understand, "Then Xu Qingqing believed it?"

"Who knows what this little girl is thinking now?" Old Zhou was a prisoner.Her relatives had no time to shy away.She was foolish enough to believe it. "If Tian Weidong's mouth is not greedy, can he put all the good things in Feiyun into his mouth?
"A flower stuck in cow dung."

"What flowers? Xu Qingqing is a broken shoe!" Gao Lanxiang was very upset. "Besides, people didn't suffer. The clothes she wore were bought by Tian Weidong selling blood."

Ji Shuxing thought she was ugly, "Why did they fight?"

"Xu Qingqing is easily deceived. Her parents are not easily deceived. Today, they invited people to the grain station. There is no such thing. This is the last hope of the Xu family. Who knows that if you use a bamboo basket to fetch water, don't ask the whole family to come Come to the door, it will be empty."

Tian Weidong's trick was exposed.The Xu family felt that the sky was falling.Xu Qingqing cried hysterically.Tian Weidong is a beast!
If there wasn't a food station, Tian Weidong wouldn't be worthy of carrying her shoes.

She's so pretty, it's not hard to get married in the city if a guy doesn't give her a second glance.

Now, there is nothing left.

The eldest daughter of the Xu family was raised by Tian Weidong for more than ten years.The Xu family couldn't bear this tone.They directly changed their tone, saying that Tian Weidong insulted Xu Qingqing.

Called the eldest brother and sister-in-law, copied that guy directly, and smashed the door of Zhou's family.

In fact, there is no difference between smashing and not smashing.The family lacks a man who can make money, and his son has high eyesight but low abilities.In the past, when eating a big pot of rice, the captain of the production team took care of it.The life of mother and son is quite moist.Now they are supported by Xu Zhaodi inside and out, and there is no decent furniture at home.

The Xu family uttered cruel words.They either gave Xu Qingqing a bride price of 500 yuan, or sued Tian Weidong for rape and jail dinner.

Within a day, Tian Weidong was beaten several times.She was beaten by the Xu family last night, and Gao Lanxiang this morning.Now he was recuperating on the kang, and was dragged from the bed.

The Tian family couldn't afford the money, which completely annoyed the Xu family.

Xu Qingqing's mother took off her shoes, and slapped Tian Weidong on the face: "You piggy bastard! You know you are engaged, and you came to insult my Qingqing. You are as wicked as your mother who lives in prison. You Everyone in Laotian's family is out of their minds. Why don't you take a pee and take care of yourself? How can you be worthy of my Qingqing?"

The Xu family let go.If the dowry is not received within three days, Tian Weidong will be sent to prison.

This one gossips with Ji Shuxing and Gao Lanxiang: "Feiyun, when you grow up, you won't be able to learn from Xu Qingqing, and you won't know how to behave. Girls must have self-esteem and love themselves. Don't covet other people's petty gain, or you will eat it sooner or later." Big loss."

Ji Feiyun nodded wisely: "Mom, I can eat anything, but I don't suffer."

Gao Lanxiang touched her head, "My baby is the best."

While talking, someone knocked on the door.

When we saw the change of position, we should feel a headache, but village head Tian Shuchang sighed.

Tian Shuchang came to Tian Weidong, wanting to find out about Ji Shuxing.

Ji Feiyun went to the kitchen to get a bowl, filled a bowl of pigtail bean soup, and brought it into the house. "Uncle Biao drinks soup."

Tian Shuchang was flattered. "Oh, my little Feiyun, you are great now. My uncle heard that you made a lot of money doing business in the town. Look how delicious the food is. My family is still cooking vegetables."

Tian Shuchang's son Tian Weimin is also studying in the town.He and Ji Feilong grew up in the same pair of pants.He didn't go to the store for chow mein.

The changes in the Ji family could not be hidden from Tian Shuchang's eyes.After eating a bowl of delicious broth, I feel like my head doesn't hurt so much.

(End of this chapter)

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