Chapter 577 You Wait...

Ji Feiyun frowned, "Brother Xiaohang, is there any problem with our goods?"

"Didn't I just tell you that several customers suddenly didn't take my goods?" One of them was the person who called me just now.He is mentally ill.Before, I asked him about the situation.I argue that business is bad these days and there is too much stock to store.Now I say that I have been getting goods from the factory.A man named Zhang Cheng sold it to him at a price 20% lower than mine.So I didn't go to them.Now they are selling something wrong.They said they ate the dead and now how many people in the hospital have been rescued Are you sick?In our factory, no matter who sells, the price is the same.How can we earn 20% less? "

Ji Feiyun's eyelids twitched twice, with an ominous feeling in his heart: "Is it still within the warranty period?"

In the food business, if you're not careful, things can go wrong, that's a fact.Therefore, in the past two years, Tian Weikuan has been very strict with his work.

"After working together for so long, there's no way the client would make such a low-level mistake. I think he took someone else's stuff as ours. If something goes wrong, he still wants to rely on us."

It is not the first time that sheep's head dog meat has been sold.

Speakers are delivered daily in the market.I have seen many ghost stalls or ghost stalls.They sell fake products under the brand of Pengfei Foods.These people are like psoriasis.They can't get rid of it.Instead, they are tired.

At this moment, the phone rang again, and an angry voice came from the other end of the phone: "I have already called the police, you wait..."

As if something really happened.Many people have gastric lavage in the hospital.

After thinking about it, Ji Feiyun called the emergency department of the county hospital.There were literally more than a dozen incidents of food poisoning.Without exception, they ate up all the brine, and one of them was frightened.

Horn was so stupid that he followed Tian Weikuan to the warehouse for inspection.He also opened several bags.There is no problem with the color and taste, and there is no flatulence.

Anyway, we have to figure it out first.

Ji Feiyun said a few words, then took Tian Weikuan and the megaphone to the county hospital by bus.

The bus was rickety.While I have confidence in my factory's shipments, I'm still in a state of anxiety when something this big happens.

When they arrived at the hospital, the emergency department picked up a few more patients, and the doctors and nurses were overwhelmed.

The old man's face was red.Seeing the sound of the horn, he quickly grabbed his clothes and said excitedly: "He said your goods are fine. Now they are eating people to death. What do you think should be done? Zhang Cheng, let that bastard get out!"

"Let go." The speaker gave him a push. "Are you deaf? They say there is no such thing as Zhang Cheng. Our business is divided into different fields. I'm the only one you manipulate."

Two policemen came by. "This is a hospital. You have to restrain yourself."

They came earlier and were asking Lao Zhang.When they saw these three people appear, they asked: "Who is the person in charge of Pengfei Foods?"

Just as Ji Feiyun was about to answer, Tian Weikuan stood up and said, "I am the director of the factory."

The police called the person aside and questioned him carefully.

Lao Zhang was very excited when such a big accident happened. He insisted that there was something wrong with the goods in the factory.

Can a different salesperson be 20% cheaper for the same product?
Police consider it unreliable.In addition, Zhang Cheng is also very mysterious.He claimed to be Ji Feishuang's relative.Operators of new factories get high commissions for special care.Moreover, due to fierce competition in the industry, the price of the factory's products has been reduced, but the speaker did not tell the customer and swallowed the price difference.

Of course, it's not kind to pry a customer's mouth, so Zhang Cheng told Lao Zhang not to say anything.He makes deliveries every two days.

20% off the purchase price.Lao Zhang disagreed, so he has been taking Zhang Cheng's goods for the past month.

At first, he was also skeptical.The first two batches were well thought out.They tasted the goods sent by Zhang Cheng, and they were the same as those sent by Lou Ba, but they were a little bit worse.

To be honest with Zhang Cheng, you get what you pay for.This industry is highly competitive.The price of the product will be lowered, and the quality will naturally be worse.

Seeing that sales were not affected, Lao Zhang didn't take this matter to heart.On the contrary, due to the low price, he attracted many retail investors and took more and more commodities.

(End of this chapter)

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