Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 578 Please make a comparison.

Chapter 578 Please compare.

"Now, the price of raw materials is rising. Since the New Year, the stock price has risen several times. How can we reduce the price of our products?" Ji Feiyun heard the fishy smell, "Our factory has always focused on quality." The meat is imported from the meat factory, There are regular and qualified quarantine links.Uncle policeman, he must have been cheated by a scammer because he was greedy for cheap.There will be no problem with our goods. "

The public says the public is right, and the woman says the woman is right.If there is a problem, the administrative department for industry and commerce will check it.

The police contacted the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and went to Lingping Town in person.

There are still many unsold products in Lao Zhang's store, and the words "Pengfei Food" are indeed printed on the outer packaging.

Outsiders watch the thrilling spectacle, while experts watch the doorway.

At first glance, the outer packaging was the same, but upon opening it, Ji Feiyun immediately frowned.

Tian Weikuan makes goods in the factory every day.He soon sensed that something was wrong.The aroma of the meat is cloudy.It was obvious that it was not made with fresh ingredients and the ingredients were not reasonable.

Lao Zhang said that because of the fraud, the taste was a little bit worse.He is afraid that his conscience will be eaten by dogs.

He took out several bags of his own products from his bag and distributed them to the police and the Bureau of Industry and Commerce. "Please compare."

The staff of the Administration for Industry and Commerce are experts.After some comparison, this old Zhang is obviously selling fakes.The outer packaging is the same, but the bag is thinner and the pattern printing is not exquisite enough.Compared with the meat quality and taste, there is obviously a big difference.

The old Zhatou was so frightened that he fell down on the chair. "Comrade policeman, I don't know if it's fake or not. There is no problem with the goods that Zhang Cheng just started shipping."

Ji Feiyun sneered and said, "That was to catch you, a big fish. He didn't send enough goods to him. What he bought for you was genuine. Of course, there is no problem."

The people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau looked at her and felt that the child was young and had poisonous eyes.If it wasn't for Lao Zhang's greed for cheap, how could he not see such a big loophole?
But if he cared a little bit and called the factory to ask, this problem would not have happened.

The store sells a lot of goods every day, and a patient with food poisoning died of ineffective rescue.

What is even more frightening is that from the perspective of the client who suddenly did not cooperate with the speaker, it is very likely that Zhang Cheng is also behind the scenes.

The dens of counterfeiting and recycling are generally not large.

The police escorted Lao Zhang back to the police station.The Industrial and Commercial Bureau brought some food back for inspection.Ji Feiyun and others were also invited back to the police station to assist in the investigation.

At this time, it was already dark.Several people took turns taking statements.Lao Zhang described Zhang Cheng's appearance.He was tall, thin and pale.He delivered the goods on a tricycle.On several occasions, a woman followed him to make deliveries.The woman was fat and had a gold necklace around her neck..."

Ji Feiyun frowned.There are many counterfeiters out there, but most are small-scale.They even mimic packaging on a massive scale.In addition, they also knew that the big customer in the hands of the speaker Zhang Cheng probably didn't know much about food factories.

She was lost in thought.Tian Weikuan stood up suddenly. "Nan Yongpeng, why are you here?"

Only then did Ji Feiyun wake up.Seeing Nan Yongpeng entered the police station, he instinctively wanted to greet him with a smile, but felt that he was in a cold war with him, so he said, "Hmph!"

Look at her contemptuous face.I do not know what to say.

Nan Yongpeng is used to it.He sat next to her and asked Tian Weikuan about it.

He was so busy running around that he didn't even drink water.Ji Feiyun grunted from hunger.

At night, Nan Yongpeng discovered that Ji Feiyun had already been asked to leave when he arrived at the hospital.Only then did he find the police station.

She was afraid that she would starve, so she bought some food on the way.

However, Ji Feiyun has a lot of backbone.She doesn't eat his food.

Nan Yongpeng was not used to her either, so he gave it to Tian Weikuan and Xiaohang.

The speaker eats and thinks. "Nan Yongpeng, Wei Kuan, do you think this man named Zhang Cheng knows us too well?" Could he be your acquaintance?For example, do employees in the factory collude with outsiders, or do they often come to the factory? "

(End of this chapter)

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