Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 579 Do You Have An Impression?

Chapter 579 Do You Have An Impression?
Ji Feiyun also thought it was a crime committed by an acquaintance, but she had a cold war with Nan Yongpeng.As long as he gets involved, she won't say anything!

Tian Weikuan and the loudspeaker were called to record the statement.According to Lao Zhang's description, the comrades in the bureau made a portrait, but Lao Zhang was frightened silly by the serious situation.He had a nervous breakdown, his mind was in a mess, his words were not sharp and contradictory, and he was still a failure after painting for a long time.

"No." The speaker looked at it for a long time, but didn't recognize it. "Our Ji Feishuang is coming. You can show it to him."

So the portrait was sent out.

Ji Feiyun was about to reach out to grab it, but Nan Yongpeng grabbed it first.

"Mine." Ji Feiyun, "I'm Ji Feishuang!"

The nearby police were stunned.Why are the kids so cranky now?

Nan Yongpeng stared at the portrait and frowned: "I don't know."

The policeman saw the neat set of teeth next to her, and handed it to her again: "Little friend, do you have any impression?"

Ji Feiyun took it over and saw what it was?
However, she looked carefully for a long time, "This is not a horse building."

Ji Feiyun was invited in.According to her description, the staff quickly repainted the painting, and then it looked silly.The gap is too big.How does she see it?

Taking it to Lao Zhang, he nodded excitedly: "Yes, he is Zhang Cheng." Zhang Cheng is the son of a bitch! "

No wonder he is the person who is most familiar with the Ji family.

For Ji Feiyun's vision, the staff can only give a thumbs up.She can identify a person by several characteristics.Her eyes are not ordinary.

Ji Feiyun didn't think so. "He was reduced to ashes. I could recognize him." Double guessing this time, of course.

If this is caused by counterfeiting, you must know the products of the factory well.Wu used to sell factory food.He likes to talk about Xiaohang.He doesn't want to be told the same thing.He guessed the production process and pondered slowly.It's not impossible.

I figured if Ma Jianshe wasn't dead after the last incident, he'd have to skin himself.Unexpectedly, he would join forces with the Zhuo family to make a fake to the Ji family.

After locking the suspect, the police quickly launched a violent attack and went straight to Zhuomou's Deli.However, they still rushed at him.

Go ask the man next door, Granny and Husband's deli suddenly closed in the morning.

The police pried open the door of the store and found several large VATS soaked in chicken wings, chicken feet, duck feet, etc. in a closed room in the backyard.Flies are flying everywhere and there is a stench everywhere.

Needless to say, these are spoiled materials mixed with the smell of chemicals.

The taste is so delicious.I don't know who threw up first.Then others threw up too.

In addition to the spoiled and smelly ingredients, they also found pesticides, several additives and other ingredients in the back kitchen.

After confirming the fake den, the police will take the item back for testing.

They ran away when they heard the wind.The police went straight to Zhuo's hometown without stopping, and then swooped on them.

They really don't want to.They called the town police station overnight and asked them to help Ma Jianshe's hometown investigation.As soon as they saw someone, they immediately arrested him.

Food poisoning led to a major case of counterfeit and shoddy goods.According to the clues provided by Horn, the industry and commerce department contacted all customers who might be deceived.They do get goods from Zhang Cheng, but the scale is not as big as that of Lao Zhang, and the cooperation time is not long.

There were two cases of customer diarrhea and diarrhea, but Ji Feishuang responded quickly and drove the customer away.

Lao Zhang is the latest batch of goods, and the quantity needed is very large.Ma Jianshe also said that he ran out of raw materials and it would take two days to get new ones.

I can't imagine how many victims there would be if other customers took these items.

When she came out of the police station, it was already past 9 o'clock in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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