Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 604 This meal is expensive.

Chapter 604 This meal is expensive.

Ji Feixue thought about it, if he did this, he would try his best to complete his paintings and private works before graduation.

After I figured it out, my heart was not so entangled.

The meal is expensive.Ji Feixue ate desperately, but she couldn't waste it.

It was just after dinner.Liang Yanchao drove around Zhuji to see the night scenes on both sides of the strait. "You will spend four years here in the future. Are you happy?"

Ji Feixue didn't know, "I don't know if I can do it. What if I had a good time?"

"Don't worry, no one bothers about money."

Hearing that she was so confident, Ji Feixue couldn't help but look forward to it.

When the two came back, Ji Feiyun was sitting on the sofa watching TV.He heard the sound of the car turning off.He hurried out with his shoes, looking forward. "Sister, how are you doing?"

Ji Feixue didn't want to mention money.He said implicitly: "Yes, but the department head can't decide. He has to apply to the school."

When the news came, Ji Feixue asked, "Did you go to CUHK today to go through the formalities?"

"Yes." Ji Feiyun dragged his sister and chirped, "Sister, CUHK is really beautiful. I will also take the exam there in the future. Even if the accommodation is not good, Nan Yongpeng will definitely not get used to it."

There is an 8-room dormitory with a separate bathroom.There is no choice in this case.My sister is used to being pampered and demanding.

I was very tired from walking the day before.I woke up naturally the next day.It was past ten o'clock when I got up.

Nan Yongpeng came back from buying breakfast outside.Just as everyone sat down to eat, the phone rang in the living room.

Liang Yanchao went to answer the phone.It was Director Gu calling.This is too efficient.

Looking at the donation of 5000 yuan and opportunities for internships and cooperation, ahem... the main reason is that it exceeded the admission score.With the help of Director Gu Libao, the president agreed.

However, because it is in Gaza, there is no subsidy for university tuition fees, and all expenses must be paid by oneself.

The school will reissue the admission notice as soon as possible.At that time, Liang Yanchao would go directly to the school to pick it up.

It means go to school to get it.In other words, it is to pay money and hand in the admission notice.

Ji Feixue was stunned.She didn't expect things to go this way.To be honest, this was the first time she saw the charm of money.Opportunities don't come easily.In the future, we should find ways to make money and try to repay the debt owed to Liang Yanchao as soon as possible.

"Nun, you finally got what you wanted." Ji Feiyun happily jumped up and hugged Ji Feixue: "You can go to G City University now!"

Although it is at your own expense, it is better than repeating, and the family can afford it.

I thought there was going to be a lot of blood this time, but things went unexpectedly well.Ji Feiyun was a little skeptical, so he secretly asked Ji Feixue last night.I didn't expect Liang Yanchao's face to be so big.A meal and a gift can make it happen.

That's the beauty of relationships.You will learn from the big guys in the future!

Ji Feiyun hummed a song and ate breakfast as he wished. "Nan Yongpeng, shall we go out later?" You haven't bought your quilt and pillow yet. "

Waiting for notifications at home is boring.Besides, when Ji Feixue's work is over, she has to go back to her hometown.She will not be able to see Nam Yongpeng until the Yongjun holiday.

So, how about having fun!
Nan Yongpeng has no problem.She can go wherever she wants.

Ji Feixue pulled away the clouds and saw the blue sky.Everyone went out for a walk.

After breakfast, he cleaned up slowly.It was almost noon when Liang Yanchao was about to leave with the car keys.The phone rang again.

"Liang Yanchao, are you sure you're not joking?" Gu Jian's tone on the other end of the phone was not very good.He still seems angry. "Ji Feixue has been admitted and registered. What do you mean?" The admissions office told him a good story.He was stabbed at the principal and made a big joke.He didn't know what punishment he would receive.

"Accept?" Liang Yanchao was stunned. "it's out of the question."

"I just came to the admissions office with the principal's approval letter, ready to fill in the admission information. The admissions office can't make mistakes. Only 8 candidates were eliminated this time, and they were all less than 6 points higher than the admission amount." Ji Feixue 15 points higher than the admission score, and was divided into three classes. I just asked the head teacher to confirm that this person has registered."

(End of this chapter)

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