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Chapter 605 You have been admitted.

Chapter 605 You have been admitted.

Liang Yanchao said thoughtfully, "Director, I'll be right there."

Ji Feixue thought that things had changed, and asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

Liang Yanchao looked at her, "You have already been admitted."

Ji Feixue was stunned, obviously he had not received the admission notice.How is this possible?
Ji Feiyun's mind was buzzing.In this day and age, information is still very backward.Many places do not have internet.Fake seals are easy to counterfeit.Later generations have revealed many cases of being impersonated to go to college.Wouldn't Ji Feixue be so unlucky to be beaten?
It's just that, if you exceed the admission score by 15 points, how can you not be admitted!

Anyway, go there first.

Ji Feixue was stunned.Reminded by his sister, he took the documents that could prove his identity and drove to G City University.

G City University is also a relatively large university.The university has many local characteristic buildings.The environment is elegant and quiet.However, everyone has their own concerns and is not in the mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Liu Yuejia is very familiar with her car.The car quickly stopped under the teaching building.

It happened to be noon.There weren't many people in the building.I asked people around me to go to the dean's office.

Gu Jian was already waiting in the office.When he saw Ji Feixue and his family coming, and saw that they didn't make fun of others, his mood calmed down a bit.

After hearing Ji Feixue's explanation, he realized that something was wrong. "Wait a minute. I've told the principal to call someone else."

After waiting for about 15 minutes, the door of the office was knocked, and a half-bald middle-aged male teacher walked in with a beautiful girl.

Seeing so many people in the office, looking at herself as soon as she came in, the girl was surprised at first, then became disturbed. "Director, what can I do for you?"

Li Linhai looked at her. "Your name is Ji Feixue?"

She nodded. "Yes."

Ji Feiyun couldn't bear it any longer and rushed to beat her.Shameless enough.Some people even dared to steal university places, which worried the whole family.Ji Feixue cried and fainted several times in the toilet.

If Liang Yanchao didn't have this idea, his whole life would be ruined by her!
Nan Yongpeng hugged her.There were so many people here that she couldn't even raise her fist.

Gu Jian was very calm and asked her home address and which high school she graduated from.

The girl answered fluently, but her eyes became more and more confused. "Director, I have filled in all the information when I reported this time."

Gu Jianwang looked at Ji Feixue and sneered, "What a coincidence, this classmate is also called Ji Feixue. He graduated from the same high school as you. Do you know him?"

The eyes of the four met.The girl's eyes flashed with panic, and she quickly pretended to be calm. "What a coincidence? I didn't have that name in high school."

Ji Feixue looked at her, her anger couldn't be contained. "Since you are Ji Feixue, who is your high school head teacher? What are the names of the teachers in each subject?"

"Sister, don't talk nonsense to her." Ji Feiyun was angrier than her. "Call the police and let them deal with it."

Liang Yanchao glanced at her. "You are young and brave enough to go to college under the guise of someone else's name. Do you know how painful it is for those who are replaced? You deprive others of their place!"

The girl's legs trembled as she walked back to the wall.Her face turned pale, her lips and teeth were clenched.

Under everyone's serious gaze, he lowered his head and began to cry.

This girl is called Yang Liuqing.She is from Ji Feixue's hometown, but from a neighboring county.Last year, I failed the exam, but this year, I failed the exam.But my family conditions are not bad, so I spent a little money to buy a place, and happily came to the university.However, when I first signed up, I wasn't even sitting on a bench and the imposter was exposed.

The man said he had sold many places in recent years but had not been found once.Why is she so unlucky?

She doesn't know other details.After all, her parents did it all by themselves and didn't make her ask too much.

Ji Feiyun is too lazy to talk nonsense with such a person.It is right to punish her with the law.

She insisted on calling the police and it must be dealt with seriously.

Gu Jianxin was very worried.He hit the button, no report.He first went to ask the school leaders for instructions.

In this case, although the imposter's behavior was very bad, the school did not admit it and had some responsibility.

The school doesn't want to make things big, so as not to have a bad impact on the school.

(End of this chapter)

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