Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 606 This matter cannot be made public.

Chapter 606 This matter cannot be made public.

Calling the police was necessary, but she wanted to persuade the victim to keep a low profile.This matter cannot be made public.

Ji Feiyun couldn't breathe.If he screwed up, he'd have to tear her up.

Ji Feixue subconsciously looked at Liang Yanchao.Liang Yanchao thought, "Boss, Feixue will keep this secret, but I hope the school can cooperate with the police investigation and give her justice. I suggest calling the police immediately, otherwise more and more freshmen will call the police, and you can't cover it up even if you want to." "

Of course, Gu Jian picked up the phone without hesitation.

Soon, people from the nearby police station also came.

There is no doubt about the case.The school also cooperates very well.After the transcript was completed, the police station took Yang Liuqing away.

However, the case involved three places where the person who sold the admission letter had to be arrested.The case will be handed over to the local police station.It is estimated that it will not end so soon.We need to wait for news.

Li Linhai breathed a sigh of relief. "Mr. Ji Feixue, welcome to G City University. Mr. Liao, come here. This is a student in your class. He is very talented in design. Congratulations on picking up the treasure."

Ji Feixue was very upset and even wanted to cry.

Coming out of the teaching building, Liang Yanchao led a few people around the campus. "When you get into this school, there's a lot of process to go. Here's my website. I can go with Feixue. You can take care of your own stuff."

Ji Feiyun saw that Ji Feixue was full of worries and had no joy of recovery, knowing that she was in pain, so he gave her time and space, and followed Nan Yongpeng away.

After walking for a while, she stopped, Ji Feixue found a place to sit down, and said, "If I had called the admissions office more and asked them to check carefully, it might not be like this. What about the money?"

Who is the Admissions Office?Can you see it when you call?It was Director Gu who was willing to conduct a detailed investigation.

As for the 5000 yuan and the water thrown out, you can take it if you want.

Although Liang Yanchao may not donate money, if he breaks his promise, who knows if the school will have any objections to Ji Feixue?

However, he didn't care, "Even if it's not for you, I still want to donate to the school. After all, the school has cultivated me. This place has witnessed my youth and shed my sweat. Let me tell you, look at the lake in the distance. Here used to be It's a basketball court. I'll call people over to play after class..."

Liang Yanchao didn't care, but to Ji Feixue, 5000 yuan was an astronomical figure, and she was the victim. "Otherwise, I will not donate money. I will tell Director Gu that I will donate when I earn money after graduation." She is not afraid of others' cold eyes and criticism.As long as she can learn something, it doesn't matter if the teacher doesn't pay attention to her.

"I've already donated." Liu Yue shrugged. "When you went to the bathroom just now, I had already given the money to the financial affairs."

"How is this possible?" Ji Feixue was anxious.She stood up and left. "I want to go back."

"Well, if you want to be sad, you can save some money and pay it back to me after graduation." Liang Yanchao grabbed her. "Everything has to be open-minded. The donation is voluntary, no one forced me. You were happy to hear that you were able to fill my job last night. Why don't you want to come in publicly today?"

"It's two different things." 5000 yuan, not 50 yuan.How long will it take to earn it back.

"You should use the money to buy an easy life. Without Director Gu's help, you may not be able to go to college for the rest of your life. This is the fate of you and him. Now that things are discovered, we still donate money. In the future, Gu The director will definitely look up to you. He is a very talented person and also your teacher. This business cannot be lost."

At this point, the money is not coming back.No matter how reluctantly, Ji Feixue has to accept his fate. "When I borrow from you, I will try to return it to you as soon as possible."

Liang Yanchao didn't know what to say unless her score was so clear.Creditors still creditors are better than nothing.


A loud ballroom, crazy and twisted characters, the office phone rings.

"Brother Hu, the thing you told me is terrible. It was just discovered by G City University." A worried voice came from the other end of the phone: "What should I do now?"

The office is full of smoke.The man sat on the leather sofa, with a pair of clean leather shoes on the luxurious desk, and said casually: "Take some money to make the man shut up." If you dare to talk nonsense, you will kill his family. "

Ji Feixue, she is really lucky.It can be found!
It's better to come to G City, otherwise life is too boring.


(End of this chapter)

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