Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 612 Forget it this time!

Chapter 612 Forget it this time!
Ji Feiyun stood up and followed him.

The headmaster gestured for her to sit down. "Ji Feiyun is in poor health and cannot stand for a long time. I think the other party is a first-time offender. Forget it this time."

It's not the first time I've seen her.Students are not prone to cheating.She is not well.Last semester, she was still holding the children on the playground.

The teacher is obviously covering up Ji Feiyun, it's unfair!

The students who were taken to the punishment station outside whispered.The more they think about it, the more they disagree.why!
The second part is Chinese class, which requires summer homework.

Ji Feiyun did it earlier.He rummaged through the schoolbag twice but couldn't find it.She is always forgetful.When she was there, Nam Yong-peng would clean it for her, but now she can't find it.

If they didn't bring it, find a reason to say that they forgot to bring it, and then criticize them one by one.After reading it, there is still no Ji Feiyun's name.

My deskmate was just punished for standing at the same table.Seeing that she didn't hand in her homework this time and was not criticized, I immediately became angry.

After class, the students divided into groups and soon learned that Ji Feiyun hadn't handed in his homework.

Student who was named and shamed by teacher in class rejects: "It's not fair. Why shouldn't she be penalized for being late and criticized for not turning in assignments?"

"Her family has money. Before she came to school, the teacher didn't care."

Ji Feiyun didn't want to come to class, but his family was bored, so he had to come to school to pass the time.

After school at noon, she finally found her homework.In the afternoon, she went to the office to find the teacher.

Just as I was about to knock on the door, the teacher's voice came from inside. "Did you copy your homework?" I still didn't admit it.Your final exam grade was so poor that you didn't make a single mistake on your homework this can that be! "

"Teacher, I didn't copy. My brother helps me with tutoring."

"Don't be picky. I don't know your virtues? Go back and copy your homework!"

"Why?" The student who was criticized refused.

"Who told you not to turn in homework on time?" Look at your scribbled handwriting.Obviously you copied it at noon.What’s wrong with you? "

"Teacher, you are weird. Ji Feiyun didn't hand in her homework. Why didn't you punish her?"

"Ji Feiyun is sick, and you are sick too. If you don't do your homework well, you have to compare yourself with others. My family is rich, so I can find someone to make up the lessons. If you don't do your homework, you will do better than you Good. If you don't study well, you will learn bad things. Go back and copy your homework twice!"

Being scolded by the teacher for having no self-esteem made the students even more dissatisfied. "You just took her side. You didn't tell her when she was sleeping in class. I just took a nap and you pulled my ears."

"Your parents pay you tuition for your studies, not for your sleep. Is it wrong for me to pull your ears? Ji Feiyun has a heart condition. You can't blame her. You are responsible for this disease? You compare yourself with others every day .their parents are rich and powerful. What are your parents doing? Call your head tomorrow!"

Outside the door, Ji Feiyun stretched out his hand expressionlessly and knocked on the door.

The teacher cleared his throat. "please come in."

Seeing her, the teacher showed a gentle smile: "Feiyun?"

Ji Feiyun pushed the door and walked in. "Teacher, I forgot to do my homework this morning."

The teacher took her homework and turned a few pages. "Yes, the handwriting is neat, and all the answers are correct. Really smart. Look at yourself, Mr. Xu Qiang. It would be nice if you had half as hard as Feiyun. You should learn from others in the future."

"Hypocrisy!" Xu Qiang rolled his eyes at the teacher and turned away.

He was very angry and rushed out.Ji Feiyun was hit twice and staggered twice.

The teacher was terrified, and quickly reached out to help her, and said nervously, "Feiyun, are you okay?"

Ji Feiyun pushed her hand away. "It's ok."

Walking out of the office, with chest tightness, I went back to school listlessly.

The last class is physical education.The teacher performed the 50-meter test in pairs.Ji Feiyun was called out alone and did not take the exam.

Being stared at by the whole class, Ji Feiyun felt very uncomfortable. "Teacher, I can."

"Student Feiyun, you're not in good health. You can't do strenuous exercise. If you get injured, you'll get sick."

The teacher blew a whistle, "Line up, come in in groups, don't step on the line, get ready..."

After the test, there are free activities, scattered in the group, there are shuttlecock kickers, hopscotch players, and ball chasers.

(End of this chapter)

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