Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 613 She was isolated.

Chapter 613 She was isolated.

Ji Feiyun sat alone.No one wants to play with her.

She is isolated.Her former good friends gathered together and whispered: "I heard that her family broke Teacher Jing's hand, and Teacher Jing was arrested by the police and locked up. Now all the teachers dare not mess with her. Let us leave."

"Feiyun." Xiaopang wiped his sweat and walked over. "Let's go skipping rope."

The companion was very disgusted, "Xiaoshu, the teacher said that Feiyun can't do sports. If we faint, we can't be responsible."

Chubby sat next to her. "I don't play anymore."

My peer didn't let me stay, so he turned around and asked the other students to join him.

"Feiyun, are you unhappy?"

"No." Ji Feiyun got up, returned to the classroom, picked up his schoolbag and went home.

In the evening, the family sat down to dinner.Gao Lanxiang brought her some vegetables. "Feiyun, how about going to school today?"

"very good."

"Didn't your classmates bully you?"

"very good."

"Where is the teacher?"

"The teacher is also very good. I was late for class, fell asleep in class, and forgot to hand in my homework. The teacher did not punish me. The teacher refused to let me run in the physical education class, saying that I was not in good health. The class teacher also said that if someone dared to bully Him, he should have told him immediately."

Gao Lanxiang paused with her chopsticks, unable to swallow or spit out the food in her mouth.

At night, the couple tossed and turned, unable to sleep.Ji Shuxing sat up and continued to comb his hair. "Can I talk to the teacher?"

"What are you talking about?" How much did he care about Feiyun? "

"Just say that Feiyun's illness is cured. If you want the teacher to treat you like an ordinary student, you can do whatever you want."

Gao Lanxiang sighed deeply.She dared to tell the teacher that Feiyun was suffering badly, but now they all gave up Haobao in a strange way, and they couldn't hide anymore.

Is it useful to talk about it?Their prejudices will only deepen.On the surface, they cared about Feiyun, but in fact, they stepped back three feet.The teacher is a mirror.They pushed Feiyun to the opposite side of the students.Over time, the students also alienate Feiyun, completely ignoring and isolating her.

What kind of teacher is this?Obviously an executioner.He killed people, he killed people's hearts!

Gao Lanxiang didn't sleep all night.Seeing that it was almost time and the upstairs was still quiet, she hurried upstairs to open the door. "Feiyun, why are you still sleeping?" Get up and go to school. "

Ji Feiyun sat up. "Mom, I'm done with fourth grade. Third grade is boring. I don't want to go."

Gao Lanxiang choked up with difficulty. "Well, if you're not going, then don't. Mom will find you a better school."

Went upstairs to bed with hardly any breakfast.

She subconsciously walked to Nan Yongpeng's room, which had only a bed, a desk, a wardrobe, and nothing else.

I went back to my room and hugged my pillow and sobbed.

After a day of sleepiness, Ji Feiyun went to Xiaobailou to watch TV.

It's just a place to eat.Even the second floor was packed with customers.The noise of diners is everywhere.

Ji Feiyun sat quietly on the bench, staring at the TV station.

How is it that a kid who used to be alive and kicking is now a little unhinged?
The waiter said privately to Zhuo Yuanyuan: "Feiyun looks weird. Is he not happy?"

Na Zhuo came out from the kitchen and saw Ji Feiyun sitting there in a daze.Most of the time, they have conflicts with Nam Yongpeng.They had been following him in the past, but now they separated suddenly.They certainly won't get used to it for a while.

But she's also weird.Nan Yongpeng called on time at 6:[-] every day.She didn't answer the first call.

Nan Yongpeng made an appointment to call again the next day.He told Ji Feiyun the time, but she still didn't come.

Go get it yourself.Nan Yongpeng will not let it go.In short, call at the appointed time.

These two have a lot of trouble.Let Feishuang enlighten her at night.

Just as I was about to go back to the kitchen, the phone rang.When I looked up, it was exactly half past six.

Sure enough, Nan Yongpeng did not move.Zhuo Yuanyuan raised his head and said, "Feiyun, Nan Yongpeng's phone."

Ji Feiyun was stunned, hesitated for a moment, and walked over slowly.

There was no sound from the phone.She didn't have a good way: "Why?"

What a temper!Nan Yongpeng was choked by her, crying and laughing, "Have you eaten?"


"Why haven't you answered my calls these days?"

Ji Feiyun has his pride. "I'm too busy to have time."

Nan Yongpeng is confused. "Are you angry with me?"


"What made you angry?"

"... Who told you not to take me there!" Think about it.

"Why don't you? I have to go to school."

(End of this chapter)

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