Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 614 He poked Ji Feiyun's heart.

Chapter 614 He poked Ji Feiyun's heart.

Ji Feiyun didn't say anything.

Nan Yongpeng did not speak.

After waiting for a while, thinking that he was going to hang up, Ji Feiyun pinched his clothes. "what are you doing?"

"call you."

"have you eaten?"


"What did you eat?"


While chatting, Ji Feiyun forgot to be angry.He asks questions from left to right.He blinked for over 20 minutes.

The waiter hit him, Ji Feishuang was rich.Does she know how expensive the phone bill is?When other people called, they all pointed out that it would be good for her.She asked Nan Yongpeng what to eat in the morning, what to eat at noon, what to eat at night, and when to take a bath

Like an old lady bound her feet, Nan Yongpeng listened patiently, asking and answering: "What about you? Are you going to school?"

He didn't ask me if it was okay.When he asked, he poked Ji Feiyun's heart.

No one spoke on the other end of the phone.Nan Yongpeng frowned. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to go to school. I won't go to school anymore. Weeping..." Ji Feiyun began to cry, wiping his tears while talking.

The crying lasted more than 10 minutes.

The diners were stunned.Whose cub cries so hard?Oh my god, I have no money to buy a mobile phone for Ji Feishuang.

A kind person reminded the waiter: "Is the money you Ji Feishuang earned today enough to pay the phone bill?"

The waiter smiled stiffly. "Should...enough?"

Nan Yongpeng listened patiently: "Well, don't go if you don't want to."

He looked down at his watch. "Let's go back to eat first. Let's talk tomorrow."

After talking for more than half an hour, Ji Feiyun felt much better.

Before going to work, Ji Feishuang came over. "Father, Mom, how is Feiyun?"

"It's okay at night. I ate half a bowl of rice and I'm taking a shower now."

Ji Feishuang wanted to go upstairs to see Feiyun.Unexpectedly, acid water emerged from her stomach.She crouched by the door and vomited.She hasn't slowed down in a long time.

Zhuo Yuanyuan poured a glass of water to rinse his mouth. "It's so late, is it tomorrow?"

Ji Feishuang vomited and planned to go to bed early. "Mom, Feixue just called the store to say that everything is fine. Don't worry."

"Okay, let her pay more attention." Ji Feilong had nothing to worry about.On the contrary, Feiyun is worrying.Good schools don't say they can get in if they want to.They are still asking for help.

There was fire in her stomach.She can't go on like this.She also needs to talk to her teacher.

In the morning, while I was still sleeping, a surprised voice came from downstairs: "Whose car is this?" Nan Yongpeng, why are you back! "

Ji Feiyun is still dreaming.He dreamed that he was stuffed into the car, and Nam Yongpeng threw her away.

His head was rubbed twice, and his eyes slowly opened.

"Lazy pig, why are you still sleeping?"

Ji Feiyun turned over and continued to close his eyes.

After a while, she turned around again, and the familiar figure sat beside the bed with a smile on her lips.

"RMB?" Half asleep and half awake, unable to tell whether it was a dream or reality, "How did you come back?"

"Get up, brush your teeth, and go downstairs for breakfast."

Ji Feiyun went to brush his teeth in a daze.When she came back, Nan Yongpeng had folded her crumpled quilt into squares.

Finally she came to her senses and jumped on her.Today is his first day at school.Why did he come back?
When she went downstairs, Gao Lanxiang had already made breakfast.She changed the depression of the previous few days, her face was full of satisfaction, as if she had found her spine.

Looking at the brand new Jeep 212 at the door, Ji Feiyun was stunned and couldn't keep his mouth shut, "Nan Yongpeng, the car you bought?"

"Yes." Nan Yongpeng brought porridge.

I'm thinking of picking a car, but the seats are a bit cramped for him, and a Jeep is more comfortable.

People who arrived after 4am were worried about disturbing them and slept in the car for more than 2 hours.

"Great, we have a car." No wonder he suddenly paid 3 yuan.Sure enough, a man's most loyal love is a car.

Unlike the plague two days ago, Ji Feiyun was resurrected with blood.He smiled slightly from the corner of his eyes, and happily ate his breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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