Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 76 Can You Really Die?

Chapter 76 Can You Really Die?
"What can I do? Can people still die?!" Ji Xiangling accused angrily, "You have to pay for it. Without money, the child can't even enter the door of the clinic. How can he treat the disease?!" Today, no matter what Ji Shuxing had to pay out.

"Grandma, I'm in so much pain, I'm dying of pain..." Ji Feitian was rolling in pain.

Li Yanmei was very frightened and whispered, "Mom, what's going on?"

Ji Xiangling gave her a hard look.This daughter-in-law is really blind.

As the village head, Tian Shuchang couldn't do Ji Xiangling's job, so he pulled Ji Shuqing over, "Fei Tian is your only son. If something bad happens, there's no use crying."

Ji Shuqing always listens to Ji Xiangling's words.Without his mother's nod, he dared not make a decision.

Seeing his timid look, some villagers couldn't see it, "Send it quickly, if you don't send it to the health center, it will be too late."

"If something really happened, your family would be wiped out."

"We are more than ten miles away from the town health center. It takes more than two hours to run fast with the child on our backs. Is it too late?"

Tian Shuchang gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and hurriedly asked the villagers to take him to the hospital.

After all, these are two lives.Ji Feiyun couldn't take it anymore. "Uncle Shuchang, it's probably too late to go to the hospital now. It's best to detoxify first."

Ji Wuye is a barefoot doctor, but Tian Shuchang has no inheritance, and he doesn't know how to detoxify.

Ji Feiyun warned, "It seems that the boy's urine can detoxify."

When Tian Shuchang heard it, he immediately shouted: "Whoever has a family and a child, if you want a boy, give me two piss."

When she heard that her grandchildren were going to urinate, Ji Xiangling shouted: "What are you going to do? Feitian, even if they tear it up, it has nothing to do with you. This is all caused by Ji Shuxing and the others."

Tian Shuchang disliked such old and disrespectful people.There was really going to be a murder in the village, and he certainly couldn't get away with it.

He turned his face and scolded: "Don't worry about this heartless old thing. Quickly sprinkle two bubbles."

There is a shortage of everything these days, but no shortage of children.Soon, villagers volunteered to donate their children, serving up two bowls of freshly baked bread and forcing them to pour over.

The young Ji Erhong thought of drinking urine, rolled over in her stomach, vomited on the ground, and vomited out all the contents in her stomach.

Ji Feitian couldn't restrain his vomiting.They even vomited all the bile.

What Tian Shuchang means is that the boy's urine detoxification is obvious vomiting.

Just now, she was driven away by Ji Xiangling's family.I didn't expect to swallow it.In fact, drinking urine and soapy water to induce vomiting is okay.While saving people, Ji Feiyun did not forget to clean up Ji Xiangling's home.

Girls movie, it's not easy.

He saw through it, and continued to order: "Come on, take two spoonfuls of water and pour it down for them."

Everyone drank two tablespoons of water, his belly swelled, and his eyelids turned white.

Ji Shuqing and his wife ignored the chattering Ji Xiangling, and they ran to the town clinic with their children.

The neighbors left one after another, but Ji Xiangling still wanted Ji Shuxing to spread the money to eliminate the disaster.

"Mom, am I your own? Or did I jump out of a crack in the rock?" He looked at Ji Xiangling coldly, and tears immediately fell, "Just because I didn't listen to you, I married Feng Jiao as my daughter." Daughter-in-law, you have seen me as an enemy for 20 years. Since you didn't take my son, I don't need to stick my hot face on your cold ass, I didn't give you a needle when I separated The first line. From today, I will no longer give you food expenses. The relationship between our mother and child is over. If you dare to bully my family in the future, I will not tolerate it anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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